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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 39 – Eldin Volcano Final Trial

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 39 – Eldin Volcano Final Trial

When you dive down into the Volcanic area, the mountain erupts! This blows in off course and into a sticky situation, as he was captured by Bokoblins and is very hurt from the fall. Explore the room to get a Mogma, Plats, to make an appearance. Plats is kind enough to at least bring you your Mogma Mitts which allow you to use the dig spot in the cell to burrow your way out.

Head forward in the burrow and emerge on the other side. Now head to the east and through the tunnel. Save at the statue before you head forward. Head down the slope past the Gossip stone to the hide wall. There is a Bokoblin patrolling on the other side and Link cannot be seen without sounding an alarm that you restart you from select points. Drop down to the landing below and Plats will appear again. At the end of the conversation he will reveal what is in each of the chests on the map. This shows where to find many of your items with the Claw Shots and the Gust Bellows very close at hand. Climb up the other side of the fencing, where the first of the Bokoblins is. Wait for it to start walking away and sneak through behind it. As soon as you are on the other side of the fence, jump down to the ledge below. Head forward to the patch of dirt and dig in to find another burrow.

Inside the burrow, head to the left, smashing the boulders, looping back to the right. This puts you behind a bomb flower. Swipe at it to roll it forward into the rubble ahead. Now go up, past where the rubble was. Swipe the second bomb flower to clear the path forward for yourself. Emerge from this burrow and head north east. You will find a large Bokoblin tower keeping guard on the area below but there is another dig patch you can reach. Drop down but be sure to stay out of the light. Dig into the burrow. You will find a centipede patrolling here, but just head straight up to come up very close to the treasure chest with the Gust Bellows inside it. Climb up and reclaim the Gust Bellows. This opens up the Skeleton bridge to you. Climb up the ledge and blow away the embers blocking your path. Climb and you are closing in on the Claw Shots.

You need to use the walls the Bokoblins built to cross through the area to the next dig spot. Wait for the first Bokoblin in this set to pass you then run forward. If you want to heal up, loop a bit to the left to find a hut with a seat for Link. Head south and slowly make your way south. Keep to the outside to avoid attracting unwanted attention. You will quickly make it over to the burrow spot. Inside the burrow head up and left to reach the breakable rocks. Just beyond them is a centipede you can fight or evade. You want to head to the top right of this area, smash through the boulders there and emerge on the other side of the burrow. Drop down to the ledge below and open the chest to reclaim the Claw Shots!

Use the Claw Shots to clear out from this area using the peahats that are above you. Grapple along them then aim low and grapple over to the vine covered wall. Climb down to the ledge below. Wait for a floating rock to come by. Jump onto it and ride it along, under the bridge, then jump off to the right when the ledge comes close by. Head up the slope then wait for the Bokoblin to start moving away. Follow behind it and go behind the wall to the left. Pull out the Claw Shots and aim for the vine patch ahead of you on the wall. Grapple over there and climb up. Look to the right to spot the base of the tower. Grab one of the nearby bombs and roll it over there. This takes out the tower and allows you to reclaim your Whip! Now head back up the slope to where you grabbed the bombs. Use the whip to pull out a Peahat from the ground, allowing you to cross over the gate.

On the other side, take a moment to save your game. Head over to the right, past the opening, to the braizer. Grab one of the bombs and take it back to the opening to blast the rubble away. You will need to repeat this as there is a second pile of rubble none too far in. Head over to the steam geyser and ride it up. Head over to the left, through the doorway and down the slope. If the Fire Keese present a problem, just use the Claw Shots to kill them off. Stop just before the toppled tower and wait for a rock to float by. Drop down onto it and ride it all the way down the lava flow to where you have bomb flowers opposite a tower. Hop over to the right, toward the bomb flowers. Timing for this part is tricky as you need to grab a bomb flower, jump onto a floating rock, and throw the bomb flower over at the tower. This is best done just as the rock gets off the slope. The bomb will blow before the rock passes, allowing you to safely hop over and reclaim your next stolen item, the slingshot.

Use another rock to cross back over then use the Claw Shots to grapple your way back up the slope of lava. Now head up to the Bokoblin village you avoided just a little while ago. Head forward to the new walls and pull out your slingshot. Move out from behind the wall and pop the Bokoblin with your slingshot. Run behind it and repeat this on the next Bokoblin, reaching over to the base of the tower. Look up to spot the Bokoblin above. Nail it with a shot from your slingshot and move a bit to the left of the tower. There is a dig spot very close to its base. Dig into there to find a burrow. Head to the left and up to the top, then to the right, smashing rocks along the way. Now swipe at the bomb to roll it over to the pile of rubble opposite you. Head through the new passage way to emerge by a chest, which has your bomb bag!

Dig up the dirt patch next to the chest to find a steam jet. Ride that up and grab the nearby bomb flower. Throw it at the tower to destroy it, making your passage back easier. Use either bombs or deku nuts to kill/stun the Bokoblins patrolling the area. Continue back to Plats and then use your bombs to blast away the rubble in the super hot room. Head on up the slope, toward the summit. Once you reach the summit, it is very easy to find the Master Sword. Collect it to reunite with Fi. Walk over to the save statue and update your save file. Head into the room to your right, where you see all the Spumes. There are also rocks floating through the room. Hop onto one the rocks. If you are having a lot of trouble with the Spumes then hit them with Skyward Strikes to thin their numbers. Ride the rock over to the other side of the room. GO up the stairs and to the left. Jump over to the next ledge and into the room on the right. Spear one of the Thorn Bulbs and go forward. Flick it onto the lava flow. Cross over and kill all the Bokoblins and Keese. Open the chest here to reclaim all your remaining items. Head to the opposite side of the room, climb up the ledges, bomb the rubble and head back into the room with the Spumes. Kill the Spumes with your bow then go through the door just up from where you jump off the rock. Head in to find the dragon and learn the next part of The Song Of The Hero. You will emerge back at the Temple Entrance after the cutscene. Head back to Skyloft and it is time head for the desert to collect the final part of the song.