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SWTOR Walkthrough - Sith Arithmetic - Sith Warrior

You get the mission "Sith Arithmetic" after completing "A New Master"

Open your mission log:

Sith Arithmetic
Darth Baras has issued your next trial. He commands you to bring back the shards of an ancient Sith tablet scattered throughout the tomb of Tulak Hord and collect the shards from the antechamber, the machine vault and the archives

Recover the Antechamber's Shard
Recover the Machine Vault's Shard
Recover the Archives' Shard

If you previously sent Phyne and Teeno to kill Vemrin, you should have a mail waiting in your mailbox:

From: Phyne
Subject: No Match for Vemrin
I've failed you, friend. The acolytes and I promised we'd eliminate Vemrin, but he proved to strong. Poor Teeno died instantly. I still hear his screams. Vemrin got to me too. I only just woke from my coma, and the doctors say I won't walk for months. Lying here, I've learned to own my agony. I realize why you sent us after Vemrin. You knew he'd kill us or make us stnger. Teeno was weak, but I survived. And though I may be crippled for now, my hate gives me strength. For that, I thank you.

The mail also has 3 minor medpacs attached to it.

To reach the tomb of Tulak Hord, exit the Sith Academy and take the road south, then east. Enter the tomb. The first level of the tomb is the Antechamber. Open your map and locate the Antechamber shard on the very south. Fight your way though, and get the Antechamber shard after defeating the Shyrack Howler that's guarding it.. Exit to the ruined Atrium to the east, then take the exit south into the tomb archives. Find the shard in a chamber at the NE of the archives and pick up the Archives' shard.

Go back out to the Ruined Atrium, and this time take the exit southeast into the machine vault, and pick up the Machine Vault's shard from the chamber in the south after defeating the Shyrack Shrieker guarding it. Now that you have got all three shards, use Quick Travel to get to the academy and head to the chamber of Darth Baras on the second floor.

SWTOR fight Klemral

Klemral intercepts you before you enter Baras's chamber. He wants to kill you and steal the shards from you. Defeat him and the 2 acolytes, and talk to him again. He will apologize and tell you he made a mistake. He tried to get through the tomb but there were just too many shyrack, and he barely escaped. He figured it was better to ambush you and take your shards, but that turned out to be just as futile. Vemrin is already inside with Baras, all the other acolytes died. You were Klemral's only chance, and now he is doomed, he will never become Sith. Unless he returns with the shards, Baras will have him killed.

Your dialog options at this point are:
I'll handle that [Kill him] (DARK)
You could run.
Take mine [Give shards] (LIGHT)

If you choose the first option, you tell Klemral that you will save Baras the trouble of listening to his whimpering, then you kill Klemral, for 100 points on the dark side.

If you suggest that he runs, he tells you that you cannot get off Korriban without official clearance. He might be able to hide in the wilds, but he wouldn't survive long. You will now get another option to either give him your shards or kill him. Or you could tell him to be a man and try to get the shards again from the tomb. But he is afraid to go back in there. He says he has heard of a mad hermit in one of the tombs who welcomes failures from the trials and that he will seek him out.

If you choose the third option, you give him your shards, to give to Baras as his own, for 50 light points. WARNING: Doing this will really give Klemral your shards an you will have to go back to the tombs again for more. So choose this option only if you are really set on being aligned with Light. Klemral asks you what he can do to repay you, and if you tell him that it is a gift between friends, you will get an additional 50 points of light. Your mission log will be updated: "You successfully retrieved the shards but decided to show pity on Klemral, giving them to him. Now you must return to the tomb of Tulak Hord and collect three more shards". Your tasks will reset to recovering all three shards again.

After the encounter (and after recovering the shards again if you gave them to Klemral), go speak with Darth Baras. Vemrin will be there, and depending on how you handled Klemral, he might be there too. If that is the case. Baras knows that you provided Klemral with his shards, and asks you to decide his fate. You can either say:
He deserves to be here (LIGHT)
His training should end
Kill him (DARK)

If you choose the first option, you get 50 light points and Darth Baras will let Klemral live, although his Sith Training will end and he will be sent to a new job overseeing the Academy Prisons for Jailer Knash.

The second option can lead to a similar result. You tell Baras that Klemral recognized his limitations, which has its own merit. But those limitations make him unworthy to continue the journey to being Sith. Darth Baras agrees that the next trial would destroy Klemral instantly, and that he is not Sith material, and sends him to report to Jailer Knash.

If you choose the third option, Darth Baras kills Klemral on the spot, and you get some dark points.

Darth Baras now gives you the final trial. He says that both you and Vemrin stand on the Precipice of becoming Sith. But only one of you will have the opportunity to claim a special lightsaber and server as Baras's apprentice. Baras thought it would be Vemrin, but changed his mind. The Force is stronger with you.

The lightsaber you will seek is old and powerful. It is housed in a forbidden cavern in the tomb of Naga Sadow where few Sith have ever set foot. Almost no one knows how to find the secret entrance. But there is a Twi'lek in the holding pens who was caught breaking in there. Take her and make her show you the entrance to the forbidden cave. Other acolytes seeking to complete their trials are sent to the tomb, where Academy laws are waived. They will try to murder you. This test will determine if you become Sith. To set foot in the tomb of Naga Sadow is to breathe in death itself.

This concludes the mission "Sith Arithmetic" and starts the final mission on Korriban, "The Final Trial"