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Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 14 – Snatch and Ho Traffic

Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 14 – Snatch and Ho Traffic

Call Zimos to start the mission, “Snatch”. Head over ot Espina in Morning Star territory using the freeway. Exit to the right, taking the first right. He is in the big carpentry shop, which is very hard to miss. Head toward the marker. Zimos did not waste any time getting around to business when he got home. You will have five finutes to complete the whole mission.

You need to rescue four girls and bring them to secure locations. Head down to the main road from Zimo's. Take the main road straight on to find the first girl. Her location will shift a short distance up once you arrive at the first marker. You can get up to three of the four girls needed here but most likely you will get two. Now take them back to Zimo's.

Turn around and go the other way on the main road. Just head a short ways down to find the marker with two more girls in need of rescue. Kill the pair of Morning Stars that are guarding them then rush them back to Zimo's, much the same way you came here.

This mission cashes out for $2,000. This also unlocks the activity Snatch.

Ho Traffic
From the finish of Snatch, grab a car, go straight and make the first left. Head throug the tunnel and make a right, followed by a left. Just follow the road straight to reach the activity start.

Zimos will drive, delivering a catalog of his girls. At the first location there is a single Morning Star car with a pair of gang members inside. Kill them off while Zimos makes a quick deal.

The second location gets things a bit tougher. As you leave the first location, a second Morning Star car will pull up and likely a lot of them will in an opposite lot shooting at you. Kill who you need to then get into the car with Zimos.

The third location can be somewhat easier. Just keep Zimos alive though the leaving part is harder. Likely you have will three cars full of Morning Stars and an Attack Helicopter bearing down on you. Take out the Helicopter if you can but focus more on the ones on the ground.

This mission cashes out for $2,000.