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SWTOR Walkthrough - The Last Flight - Bounty Hunter

You get the second Bounty Hunter mission, "The Last Flight", after completing the mission "Gauntlet"

Open the mission log:

The Last Flight
Mako has cracked Vexx's datapad and it shows that he's prepping a shuttle to leave the planet. Braden is sure that if you can stop him, you can win Nem'ro's Great Hunt Sponsorship. Head to Vexx's hanger in the Jiguuna spaceport, and stop Vexx from taking off.

The first task in this mission is to go to Vexx's Hanger. To get there, go south from the Cantina and left towards the big building. Enter the Hangar. Inside the mission area, you can kill Vexx's Crew to begin the bonus mission "Sending a Message". Eliminate 15 of his thugs and mercenaries to complete this bonus mission. Keep fighting your way toward Vexx, defeating Vexx's Bodyguard on the way. Then talk to Vexx, who is standing near the starship.


Vexx tells you he is the galaxy's greatest quick-draw artist, and he can shoot your ears off so fast you won't even hear yourself scream. Your options will be:

Quick-draw, hmm? [Wound him.]
You're an idiot
Look, calm down.

Choose the first option, and a battle will start. Defeat Vexx, and loot his ID tags to prove you killed him. This should impress Braden and Nemro and bring you one step closer to your spot in the Great Hunt. Return to Braden in his room in the Poison Pit lodgings.

When you get there, you find Braden and Jory dead on the floor. Mako walks in and is shocked. At first she thinks you had something to do with this, but you manage to convince her otherwise. There must be some way to find out what happened. Mako tells you that Jory and her set up surveillance gear all over this room, whatever happened here should've been recorded. She tells you to fire up the monitor so you can figure out who did this.

The recording shows Tarro Blood threatening Braden and Jory. Tarro says that when he wins the Great Hunt, the entire galaxy will know the name Tarro Blood, and he will charge extravagant fees for his service that only the filthy rich can afford.

Braden tells Tarro Blood that he has heard of how he nearly got crippled by the other Mandalorians at the Great Hunt ten years back. Tarro says that this time he plans to win. And that will be simpler if his competition doesn't include rivals beyond his fellow Mandalorians. The Twi'lek vibroblade master from Ord Mantell is gone, Chiss droid builder fond of explosives is gone, which leaves only Braden's protege to remove. The rules forbid killing competitors before the alloted hour, thus the promising up-and-comers he mentioned are very much alive. But instead he destroys their crew. Sedyn then shoots Braden and Jory.

Mako says that if Blood's determined to win the great hunt, your best bet to catch up to him is by getting you into the competition. Braden spent all our credits getting us here, we're stuck on this stupid planet. Nem'ro the Hutt is the only boss with enough clout to sponsor you for the Great Hunt. We need him more than ever.

If nobody knows Braden is dead, Mako should be able to get you a meeting with Nem'ro. Mako did everything she could to build your reputation, but now you'll have to make an even bigger impression. Nem'ro's enemies are all over town. Take out some leaders before you visit the palace, and you'll score points with the Hutt.

As a reward, you get a better blaster pistol - the Homestead Defense Pistol. This completes your mission "The Last Flight" and starts the next one, "Big Chief".