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SWTOR Walkthrough - Big Chief - Bounty Hunter

You get the mission "Big Chief" after completing "The Last Flight"

Open your mission log:

Big Chief
Braden and Jory have been murdered by a rival bounty hunter named Tarro Blood. Gaining Nemro's support for the Great Hunt will be even more difficult now. Mako suggested that you try to get on the Hutt's good side before meeting him in person by taking out some of his rivals' gang members. Head into Jiguuna and defeat Fa'artha the Hutt's street captains.

Your first task is to kill two of Fa'athra's Street Captains. Exit the Cantina and go a little south, there should be Faathra Street Captains there, and it should be easy to kill 2 of them. Once you have killed them, it is time to come face to face with Nem'ro the Hutt. Report to Nem'ro in Nem'ro's Palace which is an enormous building located in the south of town. Enter the court of Nem'ro.

Carnus Mocks you, but Nem'ro tells him that you have been helping by clearing the streets of Nem'ro's enemies. You stand in the court of Nem'ro. All you see in Jiguuna is under his authority. Answer that it is a rare pleasure. Mako has told him about the situation. You want sponsorship into the Great Hunt. Nem'ro can provide such sponsorship. But why should he?

Nem'ro the Hutt gives you a challenge to prove your worth. He has targets here on wonderful Hutta that need eliminating. The first head you will bring him is that of an Evocii - one of those useless, sniveling, natives. When he asks you if  have a spot for primitive tribesmen, reply that your soft spot is for credits to get the most favorable reaction from Nemro.

The Evocii take up arms against their rightful masters after having sold their world for trinkets. One Evocii dares call himself Huttsbane. He raids Nem'ro's holdings and hides in a swamp village. Nem'ro wants you to kill Huttsbane and bring back his head.

Your task now is to confront Huttsbane. Exit the palace and leave Hutta using the east exit. Then travel southeast towards the Evocii Work Camp, do not enter the camp but instead head south. On the way, eliminate 14 Renegade Evocii Forces for the bonus mission "Keeping Them in Line".

Locat Huttsbane home and confront him. Baratatta Spirit-Leader tells you the Evocii are just fighting for their birthright. He suggests an alternate plan. You are hear for Huttsbane's head, but Nem'ro does not know one Evocii from another. Dead warriors' heads look all like to him. Your choices are:

I see a flaw
Pretty sneaky
I prefer bloodshed [Attack] (DARK)

Choosing the third option leads to a battle. Kill Huttsbane and get his head. Choosing one of the first two options leads you to making another decision when Baratatta asks you if you will take the head of another warror as substitute:

Hmm... all right. (LIGHT)
Only if I can hack it off (DARK)
No substitutes [Attack] (DARK)

Choosing one of the DARK option leads to a fight. If you choose the LIGHT option  then Baratatta will give you a Evocii's Warrior Head.

Mako is trying to contact you. Answer your communicator to speak to her. You can use your personal holocom by clicking on your holocom button. She tells you about the new lead she got. She also tells you someone has been following her, someone dressed like some offworld tribesman. Tall. Wore a white bone mask, like a death's hand.

Your task now is to return to Nem'ro at his palace and present the Evocii head to him. Nem'ro tells you that your next target will not be so easy to reach, though he shouldn't put up much of a fight when you find him. Nem'ro tells you of the Turf war that is going on between him and the other Hutt. Fa'athra lays claim to things that are his. He moves against Nem'ro's factories, sends scum to make trouble in Jiguuna. Some fools think Fa'athra is becoming a stronger Hutt then Nem'ro. One of those fools is Yalt, Nem'ro's ex-accountant. Yalt now works for Fa'athra at the factory in the Rust Yards. The accountant must die for his betrayal.

SWTOR Audience with Nemro the Hutt

After the accountant Yalt is dead, take his head to the cantina. Yalt's wife works there. She encouraged his disloyalty to Nem'ro. Give Yalt's head to her. Fa'athra protects Yalt behind a blast-proof security door, but someone smart like you will find a way in.

Carnus tells you to see Juda when you want credits. She will pay you for dead savage.

This completes the mission "Big Chief" and starts the next Bounty Hunter class mission, "Settling Accounts".