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Deus Ex Human Revolution The Missing Link Walkthrough Part 5 – Into The Belly Of The Beast: Upload My Biometrics On The Prison's Mainframe Computer

Deus Ex Human Revolution The Missing Link Walkthrough Part 5 – Into The Belly Of The Beast: Upload My  Biometrics On The Prison's Mainframe Computer

Upload My  Biometrics On The Prison's Mainframe Computer
Head south of Loading Bay 1, taking out the guard by the southern door to avoid future complications, and down the corridor to the right. Now take the first left and hug against the southern wall. You will come up to a vent on the same side, this serves as a shortcut down to Quinn's Shop if you ever need it.
You will arrive at the intersection just below the camera. It can still see you if you are not against the wall so be careful. Wait for it to look away then slip underneath it and continue south.

Now head down the corridor to get out of sight of the camera. Head into the second office on the left. There is likely a guard in there so take him down. Now duck and head into the vent that is the back of the room. This leads to a small stash of items, including a large protein jar. Return to the main corridor on the first level and go up the stairs just outside the office.

At the top head to the left and duck behind one of the boxes. Across from Burke's office you will see an opening in the floor. This is your ticket down into the detention area. However there is a guard right there that can see the opening, a camera monitoring the area and a nearby patrolling guard. Take out the guard nearby Burke's Office and drag him into the corner under the camera to avoid him getting noticed. Now wait for the patrolling guard to move away then drop down, at the right-hand edge, into the corridor below.

Immediately move into the shadows on the right on the floor below to avoid drawing attention to yourself. Now just head south from there to the double doors to make it to the next marker. Initiate the Biometric Scan, wait for it to finish and head on through. Once you are in the next part of the building, duck behind the crate in front of you. Sneak up on the guard in front of you, take him down then head over to the stairs on the left. Take them all the way up in a crouch. At the top you will find another guard who needs to be taken down. Do so then upload your biometrics into the Prison mainframe.