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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 20: Death To The Traitor!

This quest can only be picked up if you chose to assist Roche over Iorveth. You will be helping him kill Loredo by infiltrating his manor. Head over to Roche’s headquarters next to the pub to begin the quest. Key to the mission, says Roche, is kidnapping the merchant who will be visiting Loredo. Roche’s assistant Ves will pose as a prostitute to get easy access to Loredo’s quarters. From here, she will open a window for you to sneak through. Upon sneaking into Roche’s compound, you are to sneak through the area and take out all of the guards on duty.

In order to begin the assault you will need to head to Loredo’s compound. From here, turn around and trace the path along the wall of the city. You should eventually stumble upon two houses built against the wall. Between the two houses is a small nook with ladders in it. This is where you need to be. If it’s daytime, Roche’s men will ask you to come back after the sun has set, so meditate until at least 20:00. Now that you have the cover of night, climb the ladder and drop into the bush on the other side.

The first man you should see upon entering the compound is the merchant. He will be carrying a torch. Creep up behind him and give him a good hit on the back of his head to knock him out. Using your map as a guide, find all of the guards and either disable them or kill them. You can engage them in open combat if you please, but stealth will probably be the tidier option.

Your next step should be to find the prostitute Helena. She will be locked up in the upper corner of the estate, in the little space between the wall and the tower where you found the crafting materials for the Kayran traps. Head over here, but be careful of the guard patrolling the entranceway to this area if you haven’t dealt with him yet. Once you’ve knocked the guard out, loot him to get the key to free Helena. Talk to her to learn what has happened to Ves since she entered the compound, and to learn how to get the keys to the upper floor of Loredo’s tower. Turns out he has entrusted his mother with the keys.

Climb up the ledge behind Helena and climb through the window. If you’re still attempting to be stealthy, this part will be a little bit harder as you will have to avoid the bottles, buckets, and other various objects in the room. Hitting them will cause them to move and alert the guards.

Walk forward down the hallway and wait for the guard in the room ahead to turn his back, if it’s not already to you. Knock the guard out and head forward to find Marietta, Loredo’s mother. Geralt will ask her for the key, but instead of complying she will attack. Press the left mouse button when the quick time event appears onscreen or you will be met with instant death. Geralt will be forced to kill her. Loot the keys from her and turn the corner to get upstairs.

After a short cutscene featuring Ves and Loredo, proceed to the entranceway to the next room but don’t actually enter it. There are three guards here. Wait for one of the guards to walk out of the room and look through the window. Hit him from behind as he gazes out the window, then quickly and quietly deal with the other two. Loot the various items from the room and head to the uppermost floor. This room is full of sleeping guards. Sneak through the room, again making sure to avoid the buckets and bottles, to reach the chest sitting on the opposite side. In this chest lies the key to Loredo’s room. Take it and sneak back out of the room to find Loredo’s room.

As soon as you enter, it will be apparent that not everything went according to plan. Ves is tied up and screaming. She tries to warn you that you have stumbled into a trap, but it’s too late. Loredo appears and attacks with his halberd. This initiates a quick time event in which you must click the left mouse to dodge. Now you’ll have to fight Loredo on your own merits. This arena is a cramped one, and Loredo’s weapon has long reach, so this can get a bit tricky. Use Quen to shield yourself frequently, and set Yrden traps in the confined space to hinder Loredo’s movement. When he gets stunned by a trap, attack ferociously with heavy attacks. When Loredo dies, loot the Royal Mail key and Shidhal’s Armor from him and untie Ves.

Walk into the next room to see quite an unexpected sight. A pregnant elven woman named Moril sits in the next room. If you paid close attention when first speaking with Cedric, you may recognize Moril as the woman who mysteriously vanished when walking in the woods one day. Turns out she had been captured by Loredo and left to live the rest of her life in his tower. With both Ves and Moril in tow, head down the stairs to escape. Unfortunately, Moril begins to give birth as you make your exit, and Ves has to play impromptu midwife as you defend the pair from incoming waves of soldiers. Luckily, the soldiers are weak and have low health, so fending them off shouldn’t be a problem. Use sweeping attacks to hit more than one at a time and they’ll go down in a flash.

Move down to the exit of the tower and back out into the courtyard, where chaos has unfolded. The Blue Stripes are caught in a battle with Loredo’s guards. Roche will finally enter the scene and assist you with cleaning up the remaining soldiers. He will tell you that he fought Iorveth along the way but had to retreat because of Scoia’tael archers. Ves and Moril will appear from the house with a baby boy. Explain the situation to Roche. One of his guards will make a degrading comment about sleeping with an elf, to which you may respond by slapping him.

Although the baby is safe, Moril tragically kills herself, unable to handle the truth that Loredo impregnated her. Follow Roche and Ves out of the compound to earn 1,750 experience points and head off towards Aedirn to being Act II.