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SWTOR Walkthrough - Combat Leadership - Tython

Speak to Liam Dentiri outside the Jedi Temple to receive the Combat Training missions. These missions let you improve your combat skills as well as gain some easy experience points.

Combat Leadership Mark I Training Droids
Level 2
Liam Dentiri instructs the many padawans on Tython in physical combat. He has preprogrammed several combat scenarios to test your skills and abilities in battle and has offered you a chance to prove yourself. You must first activate his droids to begin this scenario. Find one of the training consoles around the Jedi Temple courtyard, activate it, and compleete the training scenario.

There should several Droid Activation Consoles around the Courtyard of the Jedi Temple.  Activate them and defeat the Mark I Droids that appear. Then talk to Liam Dentiri again:

"I'm impressed, hopefully we'll have something more challenging for you soon."

You get credits and experience points as a reward. If he does not have another quest on him, come back after you have leveled a couple of times and talk to him again:

"That was an impressive go earlier, but we've upped the programming on these droids. Care to give it another shot? Get out there and show them what you're made of"

Check your mission log again:
You have successfully completed the first scenario, and Liam has urged you to try a second, more challenging one. Find one of the training consoles around the Jedi Temple courtyard, activate it, and complete the training scenario"

SWTOR Combat Leadership

Follow the same drill from the first mission. This time the droids will be a  little more challenging, but you should still be able to handle them easily. Use this chance to practice various abilities and see the results and how much damage they inflict. Enemies here include the Mark II Assault Droid

Go back to Liam Dentiri once you are done:
"Good work out there. We're going to have to get you a real challenge next time"

This time the  reward includes some medpacs.

Come back to Liam after you've leveled again, and get the next mission in the series:
You made it look easy last time, but we've thrown some surprises in there for you this time".

Again, the third challenge will be a bit more difficult, as you will be facing Mark III Droids with blasters and ranged attacks. Defeat them and return to Liam:
"Another impressive round. Looks like we'll have to make things tougher next time."

For this mission, the reward includes a Tython Commendation.

Speak to Liam again once he has the quest marker on him:
"Your last round with the droids was impressive, but we've made modifications to their behavior that should make for a real challenge"

In this round, you are presented with Mark IV Training Droids that have slightly better AI then the Mark III ones. They will start blasting at you as soon as training simulation is activated. Defeat them. Then return to Liam:
"Unbelievable! I don't think I've ever seen anything like that. But I've still got a few more tricks. Check back later." Your reward should include a green item.

When you come back after a level or so, he gives you the final quest in this training series:
"All right, this is it. You've been tearing through these droids about as fast as I can repair them. But we just received the latest combat simulation data from the Republic and combined it with the data we've collected from your earlier fights. It'll be tough, but if you can do this, there'll be nothing more we can throw at you. You'll be fully qualified to lead Republic troops in battle."

This is the final test. Head to the droid activation console as usual, and activate it. This time you will be fighting a BOSS, a Mark V Commando Droid - a Level 9 Jumptrooper. If you have a companion already, such as the T7-01, it can be very helpful. Defeat it and return to Liam:
"Unbelievable, to tell you the truth, I didn't think it was possible. I think you're more than qualified for the job of leading republic soldiers in battle. Here's your certification. Congratulations. Amazing!"

Along with the credits and experience points, you also receive an item and a Tython Commendation.

This concludes the Combat Leadership Training missions.