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SWTOR Mission Guide - Death Mark: Faathra Gang - Hutta

Speak to Nem'ro Bounty Droid inside the Poison Pit on Hutta:

Nem'ro Bounty Droid:  P8-47 = carrying urgent message // Message = sent by Nem'ro the Hutt // Mighty Nem'ro = all powerful ruler of Jiguuna

Your options are:
Okay, give me the message
Wait - Nem'ro doesn't know me
I don't answer to Nem'ro

Be nice and ask it to give you the message. It projects a holo image of Nem'ro the Hutt

Nem'ro the Hutt: I am mighty Nem'ro, ruler of Jiguuna! Citizens, hear me - my city is under siege from the craven Fa'athra and his followers! These criminals wage war against me in the streets. Eradicate all of Fa'ahtra's people who dare to set foot in Jiguuna! Cripple this coward's army and you will know the honor and rewards of serving the great and powerful Nem'ro the Hutt.

Your choices now are:
Sounds like my kind of job
You're sure Nem'ro will pay?
Not interested. [Refuse Quest]

If you express your concerns about the payment, the Nemro Bounty  Droid assures you that the Hutt honors all deals. Fa'athra is in violation of the Hutt Cartel. Nem'ro has a legitimate claim to Jiguuna. The droid is relieved that you accepted its mission, as Nem'ro would've scrap P8-47 it if its message were to be ignored.

SWTOR Nemro Hutt Holo

Open your mission log:
Death Mark: Fa'athra Gang
Level 1
A bounty has been put on Fa'athra's gang members by Nem'ro the Hutt. Defeat the Fa'athra gangsters in Jiguuna to claim the reward.

Your task is to defeat 6 Fa'athra Gangsters. They should be easy to find, just outside the Poison Pits. Kill 6 of them. The mission will complete automatically once you have defeated 6 gangsters and you will get your reward. You do not have to return to the Bounty Droid. Your reward includes, in addition to credits and experience points, a Hutta Commendation as well as a medpac.