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The Darkness 2 Walkthrough Part 1 – Dinner Out

The Darkness 2 Walkthrough Part 1 – Dinner Out

Survive The Hit
You are in a restaurant and being shown to your seat. Once there, the two girls in front of you are killed as a car comes into the restaurant. Look around, shooting anyone in a delivery uniform. When you stop moving, look to the left. Shoot the five guys there. After that, you will pulled again toward the back of the restaurant. One gunman will start shooting at you from behind a table. Fix that problem. The Darkness, all this while will be taunting you to release its power.

Look to the left and gun down the shooter there. Once you go down the stairs you have about six gunmen. Kill who you can as you are dragged backward. You will take a brief refuge behind a bar. While your friend gets his breath back you are attacked by gunmen to the right. Kill the four of them and your friend will recover. He will drag you into the kitchen where your assailants will light up the kitchen, killing you and Vinnie.

Once there, start crawling forward. You see your captor telling his henchmen to call you forward. Oblige him for the moment and move toward him. Use the prompted button to unleash the Darkness itself and slaughter everyone against you in the immediate vicinity. You will find Vinnie safe from harm on the right. Talk with him to learn where your men are. Start toward the fence to your left. Use Left shoulder to grab the pole then again to throw it at the hitman who is shooting at you from the beyond the fence. Grab a second pole and repeat this on the second hitman that appears. Now use Right shoulder to break down the fence and move on forward.

On the other side, head forward and to the right to reach the next fence. Now you will learn how to do vertical slashes. This is done by holding right shoulder then moving the right thumbstick up or down. Now head down the alleyway and turn to the left. Time to get some practice slashing with the demon arm. Head down the alley and jump over the fence. Now go to the left.

As you head forward you will see an apparition of Jenny. Head forward to the door of the Barber Shop. Rip it open with the left demon arm, Grabby then use the right demon arm, Slashy, to slice the wires. This opens the door and lets you into the room. Move forward and have Grabby rip out the heart of the man in front of you. Repeat this after stunning the next man with a box from your right. Now use Grabby to get the gun on the table. Another hitman will come through the door, shoot him.

Head out onto the street and go to the left. Keep Grabby free and rip off the car door for a shield. There are three hitmen immediately you need to kill. Start going to the left to encounter more. Remember, stay in the darkness to keep your powers active. Keep moving forward, killing as needed and there will be an explosion, knocking you into a building. You get a quick cutscene where a Darkling saves you. Follow him to the door nearby and rip it off its hinges. Head through and to the left, toward your men.

Just outside the door there is a relic so be sure to use Grabby to get it. Now head to the right. Keep on the Darkling's tail. He will lead you to a talent shrine you can use the essence you collected so far to upgrade your Darkness Powers. Follow the prompts to receive the power “Eat Hearts”. Now follow the Darkling again to find the battle once more.

Kill the one hitman who comes at you. Move forward and will come at you. Kill them all, using Slashy and Grabby backed up by your guns.

Pursue your attackers.
You will rejoin the fray at this point. Kill the six, seven men here and go down into the subway. The Darkness will dissolve briefly as you walk through the light. There is a quick intermission then you are back in the subway. Destroy the light above you to the left then use Grabby to rip the door apart. Move forward down the hall. Destroy the lights above you to keep the Darkness around and your health regeneration going. Kill your two attackers then head to the left.

Keep moving forward, killing your attackers who keep trying to flank you. Move on down the subway platform. When you reach the end of it, turn right and face down the five men trying to shoot you. Take a moment and turn around, heading around and under the stairs you came down. You will find another relic hidden here. Move forward and a train will come, killing a few of them for you. Keep going forward to kill the rest.

Head all the way to the right and across to the second set of rails. Go a little to the left and through the door over there. As you head down the tracks, a train will come as some hitmen are after you. Jackie automatically ducks into a safe spot so enjoy the carnage.

Move forward through the train wreckage. Kill the hitmen who appear. Be sure to use cover when you are pursuing them to keep in good shape. If you get low, just use Grabby and eat some of the hearts. If you get low on ammo, start using Slashy more to converse some until you can collect more. Move forward and get slammed by an oncoming train.

When the light fades away Jackie does not know where he is, though it looks much like a hospital. Talk with Johnny to learn a little about where you are. Continue down the corridor to the next person, Tony. Head on forward through the open door ahead of you. After that, you will find yourself in a white light again and see the Darkness pulling out a man's entrails.

Head on forward to Tony. Talk with him to finish up the scene and get onto the next mission.