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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 5 – Dwarf Commoner Origin Story

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 4 – Dwarf Commoner Origin Story

You and your sister are preparing for your respective tasks. She needs to work on getting and keeping the attention of a Noble. You need see to a task set to you by Beraht, who tells you that Leske has the work for you. Head out the door to the north, though you can talk to your mother to the right if you want. You will not get anything useful out of her.

Outside the house, in Dust Town, you find Leske. The job for the day is getting a smuggler in line, Oskias, for Beraht. Ask Leske where to find him to get things moving. Your target was last seen in the Tapsters Tavern. Head forward into the Commons. After that, just head to the first accessible door on the right. That is the tavern you are looking for. On your way to the tavern, you will offered 2 silver for some of your teeth and opposite that Olinda will be there to sell you some goods, if you can get some money.

Once inside the Tapsters Tavern go to the back left to find your target. Time for a good conversation. Depending on how you handle it you can get some of the Lyrium Ore for yourselves. Still, you can just kill him as well. That choice is up to you.

Kill Oskias: 2 Lyrium Ore, Experience and minor loot
Spare Oskias: Nothing
Accept Bribe of 1 Ore: Can sell for 30 silver at Olinda's
Accept Bride of 2 Ore: Can sell for 30 silver each at Olinda's
Intimidate Ore: 2 Ore

If you take the bribe, you can sell one of the ore, but keep one to give Beraht.

Head over to Beraht's shop next. If you want to keep something for yourself, then be sure that you invested some in coercion. You will enter into a dialogue. If you did not kill Oskias, you better have some persuasion going for you to save your hide. You can lie and keep some of the Ore and let your Leske help cover things up.

The next bit is interesting, you need to help Beraht with rigging a fight so one particular fighter, Evad, will win. Now ask just how you are supposed to ensure the long odds fight will win to learn what you need to do. Take the other options to get more details, after that, it is time to get to work.

Proving Loyalties
Head to the right, up the stairs, then turn left, toward the Proving Grounds.  Give the guard the pass and head on in. Go down the first corridor to the left. Keep going to the left to find your first objective, Everd.

When you find him, he is stone drunk. Now you have some choices:
Have Leske Drug Mainar while you don the armor
Drug Mainar then put on the armor
Just fight Mainar

Poison Mainar
Luckily, Mainar's alcove is just opposite Everd's. Head to the northeast to reach it. Again, persuasion is key to getting in. Just head in and the water basin is on the left. It is very hard to miss. Just after you make your choice to poison the water or not the fight is called. Now equip Everd's armor. It is time to fight Mainar.

Fight One
Mainar poisoned is a given. Without it he is a bit harder. Just keep swinging and he will go down easily enough.

Fight Two
The second fight is against Albao. Nothing too hard, especially for a rogue with stun attacks.

Fight Three
Lenka is a dual-weapon specialist. Given the chance she can do some damage. She will go down easily enough given the chance.

Unfortunately, before you can advance into the final round, the drunkard Everd will come out. Enjoy the rest of the scene, there is not much else you need to worry about for now.

When you have control again, investigate the rubble to your left. You will find some stone splinters you can give to Leske. Do so to escape. Leske will take care of the immediate guard. Loot the body and the chests in the room as well. Do not forget to level up as well. You need to kill everyone in your way to get out of this alive.

The alternatives for getting out of the cell are these:
Pick the Lock yourself: Requires skill Deft Hands
Talk to the Guard and Pickpocket him for the keys: Requires Stealing
Talk to the Guard and fake an Illness: Coercion
Talk to the Guard and knock him out: Strength

Head down the stairs to the left then out the door to the right. Now just head forward and follow the path to the left. Go through the the door and up the stairs just inside it. There is a trap to the left but you can avoid it if you hug the left-hand wall. As you approach the stairs you will attacked by three thugs. They are easy to dispatch. Now go up the stairs.

Continue down the passage. There is another guard you can see. As you approach him, a second will appear. Now just head west. Head into the next room to deal with another three guards. Loot the barrels and chests as well to get plenty of weapons and money. Continue along this path, through the door to into a crystal lined hallway.

As you enter the next storage room you will need to be careful of the fire trap that is just inside. Move slow to have a chance to catch it, if you have the skill. Otherwise, eat the damage then you need to face down four more thugs. Kill them, loot the crates and the bodies.

Head into the next hallway, you will find three doors you can go through. Wait a moment and a pair of thugs will attack you from the right. Head down the passage they came out of to find a locked chest with Iron Dwarven Armored Gloves. Now head through the door to the east.

You will find Beraht engaged in a conversation. You interrupt this and can get some revenge for what he was doing with your sister. Just focus on Beraht and he will go down easily enough.

With all of that, it is now time to leave and hide. The door to the south if locked, but if you can get inside you will find a chest with an Elm Crossbow and Grey Iron Dwarven Armored Boots and a second chest with some more armor inside it. Now head for the door to the north and get out of there. Head up the slope and out into Beraht's shop.

Head for the door to the shop to get out. There will be a quick interaction with the shop keeper but do not worry about him right now. Head out into the commons to tie up this origin story.