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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 7 – City Elf Origin

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 7 – City Elf Origin

Find Soris
Is there any better story than one that starts with a wedding day? Start by going to your footlocker and emptying it out. Now turn and talk with Cyrion, who will give you Adaia's Boots (and the codex entry "The City Elves". He will bid you to find your long-time friend Soris. As he is the one to be married today you should do something for him. Now, head outside the house.

Throughout the alienage there are a number of opportunities to gather money. Some coercion will go a long way here. Head over to the drunken elves by the wall, who are across from your houise. They will give you 30 copper, but will give as much as 40 with some persuasion.

Now head for the center of the alienage, to the north of your house. Around the northeast of the tree, you will find Dilwyn and her husband. Respond positively to this, extending your friendship or being positive about your wedding and you will be rewarded with 15 silver!

Take some time to look at the plaque nearby the tree in the center of the alienage. This you will get you the codex entry "Vhenadahl: The Tree of the People". Head into the nearby shop, to the southwest of the Tree, Alarith's Shop. Look at the books on the floor to get the Codex Entry "Culture of Ferelden".

Help Nessa
Explore around the tree and you will find Nessa's family. They are on the southside of the tree. This is something you can help with. Express concern to Nessa and she will ask you to intervene.

Your Options:
Leave her be
Offer her 3 silver so the family can reach highever
Offer her 10 silver so the family can rent a new house (and maybe open a shop)
Ask Nessa to stay with your Father (requires coercion)

Talk with your betrothed
Continue on to the north now to find your friend Soris. Talk with him then head on south, this adds the codex entry "The Dalish Elves" when you talk with Theaodor. Keep going south toward your home, there you will find a human noble, Vaughan, making a nausence of himself. Shianni knocks him out but things stop when Ducan, the Grey Warden, shows up. Vaughan's friend will leave, swearing revenge. Talk with Duncan to learn more about what is going on here, gaining a number of codex entries, "Duncan", "The Grey Wardens", "Darkspawn" and "Valendrian".

Proceed to the weddings
Once you finish talking with Duncan, it is time to head for the wedding itself. Get there then just wait for your prompt to head on forward.

The story breaks into two different parts now, dependant on the the gender of your character:

Once you awaken from the blow you took, you start talking with Duncan who will agree to help you go after the captured women. He will lend you a longsword and a crossbow.  There is apparently an elf inside the residence that is sympathetic to your cause. Soris will also join the party. Now start to the north, going to the estate. No matter what, the first fight cannot be avoided of a Guard and 2 Mabari. Sweep the grounds to find another pair of guards and 2 more Mabari. Now head for the servant's entrance that is marked on your map. Head inside and your insider will duck out, explaining more of what to expect inside quickly. Be sure to loot the barrel just inside the house for some Cleanser, which is useful later on in the orign story. Head through the door in front of you. Just inside is a guard you need to kill quickly.

Vaughan will interrupt the service and take all of the women, you included. When you are in the cell, you will want to talk with Shianni. Guards will come in take women to Vaughan, killing anyone who resist. You are the last one taken but before they can do much to you your friend Soris will appear. He will toss you a Longsword for you to use. Equip it and lay into the guards. Loot the bodies for some good armor and weapons.

Head into the next room to the north. There you will be in the kitchen. Just walk forward and watch the scene with the cook and his assistant. After the assistant deals with the cook, head to the right, into the storage. There, just across from the door you will find some rat poison in the cabinet. Grab it and be sure to loot the liquor cabinet if you have the skill.

Now, you have a choice for the next room:
Unequip your weapons, pose as a servant and poison the guards (with the brady and rat poison)
Keep your weapons on and kill them all

The two paths rejoin here:
Keep heading into the kitchen. There is a locked liquor cabinet, try to open it if at all possible. This will make a scene later on easier. Now head into the nearby door as well. Look into the storage cabinet and collect the Rat Poison. This is the second part of a deadly recipe.

Head over to the door opposite the storage room. Unequip your weapons and walk in. The guards will think you are bringing them refreshments. If you have the Brandy and Rat Poison, then you are, a drink to die for. You can head across the room and find more Brandy in the wine rack there and some other treasures as well. Now head to the east, through the door. There is a guard, now start making your way north. In the next room you have three guards standing over a dead female elf. Kill them then head into the corridor nearby. Investigate each of the rooms, if a rogue or someone with lockpick you can get a lot of loot and some good experience from all the fighting. This is especially true in the kennel room where you can release two more mabari hounds to fight. Just head north.

In the next room you have two more guards to kill then you want head through the northeast door. Another guard awaits on the other side. Kill him then investigate the doors to your left. The second door requires a key. Now head forward, be sure to loot the room to the south, it does require lockpicking and killing two guards. Loot the chest for some goodies then head to the east through the next door. Loot the jars for health potions then continue to the east. In the next room be wary of the fire trap. Kill the bodyguard then try to get into the room next to the entrance. You will find some loot and the codex entry "History of Ferelden, Chapter 2". Now continue east then go north. Be sure to loot the vase for some health potion.

In the next room you can fight Vaughan with his two lords. You have two options here
1) you can accept the bribe and leave the alienage promptly (with 40 gold that you need to stash through the following dialogue with Soris in the rubble pile or lose it at the end of the origin story).
2) Kill Vaughan and his two lordling friends.

Afterwards, talk with Shianni to finish things up here, if you chose to kill the Arl's son.

You return to the alienage. Here you need to face some of the consequences of wholesale slaughter. You can step forward, volunteer both yourself and Sorin or stay quiet. Moving forward is a good option. Now you can talk with everyone to say goodbyes, including your betrothed.