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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 9 – Tainted Blood, The Grey Wardens' Cache, The Mabari Hound

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 9 – Tainted Blood, The Grey Wardens' Cache, The Mabari Hound

Head to the east and to the door to the Korcari Wilds. Go on through it and start heading to the south. You will encounter a pack of seven wolves. Kill them as they come at you. From there head to the west and collect some Elfroot. Now head to the south. You will come across a dying soldier. Help him out so he can deliver his message.

The Mabari Hound
Continue on to the south, into the ruins in front of you. Keep an eye out to the left. You will see a cart and nearby it is the flower you need for the rest of “The Mabari Hound” quest.

Tainted Blood
Just a bit farther south and you will encounter a group of two Hurlocks and three Genlocks. Kill the lot and you will likely get two vials of darkspawn blood. Continue along the rise the Genlocks were on to find some deathroot. Now head alongside the rise to the south, under the collapsed tree. Head to the west and you will encounter another group of darkspawn. This group will likely get you all the darkspawn blood you need for “Tainted Blood”

The Grey Warden's Cache
If you continue south you will find a group of four darkspawn rouges. Farther in you will find find a land-bridge going to the west. Cross it, killing the wolves on the other side. Your reward is an iron chest with loot inside and a personal letter. Now continue on your path east. Keep to the southern edge of it. You will spot a Hurlock Emissary on the bridge after the archway ruins. Move across it carefully as there are a number of leghold traps waiting on the other side. This also brings a small horde of them down on your party. Kill them all, loot the bodies, then head to more the south of the bridge. You will find a camp fire with some elfroot nearby. There are four hidden Darkspawn rogues. Kill them then head back to the northeast.

A Pinch of Ashes
Search the bodies around the bridge carefully as there is a dead soldier in there with a pouch of ashes and a letter explaining that he can ask for a wish if he sprinkles some ashes in the right spot. Head north from the bridge, staying on the same side, and go up the slope. You will find a pile of rocks that you can sprinkle them on at the top of it. Do so to find Gazarath. He is a tougher fight and you will be grateful for the party soon enough.

The Gray Warden's Cache
Continue to the east. When you can, bend to the north. You will find the tower that you were looking for. It is unfortunately guarded by seven Henlocks, with an Alpha thrown in there for challenge. You will find the cache but you will find something more too.

Morrigan will make her first appearance here. You can talk with her, either being rude or polite. You get more out of her being polite honestly. She will lead you to her mother, Flemeth, who has the scrolls that you are looking for. She will give you the scrolls and let you finish the quest easily.

Now you will be back in camp. It is time to tie things ups. First head for the Kennel Master. Give him the flower needed to heal the Mabari to finish out the quest. This will set the stage so after the battle the Mabari will join the party. Now head the short ways to the Quartermaster and pick up the second backpack. It is also 57 silver but well worth it as you can now carry up to 90 items, a great boon at this point in the game.

Now head for the Grey Warden's Fire and talk with Duncan. You now begin the Joining Ceremony.