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SWTOR Walkthrough - Lost Son - Ord Mantell

Talk to Ellis and Iero in the Refugee Camp just outside Fort Garnik to begin this mission.

Iero: Ellis, dear. Stop overreacting. We don't know it was him, and I don't see the use of bothering a stranger about it
Ellis: Oh, Iero. There are plenty of people here who could help! Like this soldier - here! You look like you could help us. We have the credits.

You can tell her:
How can I assist?
I'm not sure I'm who you want
Did you mention money?

Choose the first option. Iero argues that they do not need your help. His wife is chasing phantoms. A friend of hers thought she saw their son on Mannett Point, but his wife knows quite well that their son is dead. Ellis tells you their son was taken from them years ago when the separatists raided their home. Her callous husband would rather believe their son is dead, but she can't bear the thought. You can tell her:
What do you need?
You must be in pain
Perhaps you should move on

Choose the first option. Ellis tells you that Jenna said she saw him at Mannett Point. She wants you to go look for him and bring him back safe. Tell her you will do it. She tells you that his name is Paul and you will recognize him because he is the spitting image of his father.

Open the mission log to get the details for this quest:

Lost Son
Refugees Ellis and Iero are looking for their son who was kidnapped by the separatists years ago. Paul was presumed dead until someone spotted him at Mannett point. Ellis begged you to go find her son. Search for Paul, the refugees' son, in the separatists' base at Mannett Point.

Your objective is to find Paul. Head to Mannett Point, You will find Paul on level 2 of that outpost. Paul calls you a Republic Scum and threatens to shoot you if you do not stay back.

You can tell him:
I'm looking for Paul
Maybe you can help me
Don't push me

Choose the first option. He denies knowing any Paul. He says he is actually called "Bonecrusher", and his men are loyal to the death. They eat Republic lackeys like you for dinner. So stay back unless you want to become their next meal.

SWTOR Lost Son

Reply with either:
Come on, now
Your mom sent me
No need for violence.

Choose the second option to tell Paul he looks just like his mother described. He seems troubled. He confesses that he is Paul and begs you not to kill him. You tell him that his parents are worried sick about him. Paul tells you that the Separatists pumped him full of stims and he stopped thinking, he just wants to kill everything. Him and fourteen others were taken years ago. He was thirteen, the others were younger. The separatists gave them stims and blasters and told them to kill. Choose the third option from the next dialog menu to tell Paul he is free to go now. But he says he does not have anywhere to go, it costs a lot of money to get off-planet and the separatists don't pay them. He cannot go back to his family, he can't face them after all he has done. He wants you to help him with a few credits so that he can start his life over.

You can tell him:
Have these credits (LIGHT)
Return home. I insist. (DARK)

If you choose the first option, you get 100 light points. You give him enough credits to help him get off-planet. He gives you Paul's Ring, as proof that you found him, and asks you to tell his parents that he is safe and got off Ord Mantell. Return to the Refugee camp and speak to Ellis.

You can tell Ellis:
Your son's alive but far away
Is this ring familiar?
[LIE] I'm sorry, he's gone.

Choose the second option to show her the ring. Ellis is happy to know her son is okay. They give you credits, as well as a piece of green armor and a choice of stim.

If while at Mannett Point you told Paul that you insist he returned home,  you get 50 dark points. Paul refuses, he cannot do that. But he asks as a favor that you tell his parents he is dead. You return to Ellis and Iero and you can:
[LIE] I have bad news
Actually, he's not dead
[LIE] I didn't learn anything

If you choose the first option you tell her that their son is dead, and she sadly accepts it. If you choose the second option you tell them that his is alive and was forced to fight for the Separatists. Ellis is very upset to hear that. She thinks you are lieing. Her son would never do such a thing. But if it's true, her son is dead as far as she is concerned. You are rewarded with credits, a stim pack, and an armor piece.

This completes the mission "Lost Son".