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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 15 – Redcliffe Sidequests

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 15 – Redcliffe Sidequests

A Missing Child
Talk with Kaithlyn inside the Chantry. She will tell you that her Brother has run off on a fool's mission. She is worried he will try to save their mother who is lost to the hordes that come out of the castle. You need to complete this side quest before the village comes under attack or else it is lost.

You will find her brother hidden inside their house. Look in the bedroom that is to the right of the entrance and examine the dresser to find him. If you have Wynne she will order him out, if you have Sten in your party he will threaten to burn him out. At this point you have a few options as how to deal with Bevin:
Coerce Beven to say why he was in the house: Learn about his Grandfather's sword which he cannot use. (Improved Coercion needed)
Coerce Bevin into giving you the key: Persuasion or intimidation will work here. You also have the option to pay his sister later for the sword (Improved Coercion needed)
Fail to coerce Bevin: You cannot get the sword but he will run back to the Chantry

Back in the chantry, if you offered to pay for the sword you can get a lot of different approvals. The best overall is seen with a promise and buying the sword for 1 gold.

Chanter's Board
Caravan Down
*Unique to Redcliffe
This will add a new location to the world map: Caravan. Head there to face down the dawkspawn. You can avoid fighting them, as the quest itself is about investigating the caravan ruins that you can see on the map. You will find 6 Genlocks patrolling the area. Deal with it then return to the Chanter.

Return to the Chanter to receive 2 gold.

Brothers and Sons
Head to the Battlefield marker on your map to begin this quest. Loot the body of the bloody soldier and claim his diary.  Move forward to explore and you will be attacked by 3 wolves. In total, by exploring the full area, you will be attacked by a total of 12 wolves and 1 bear. You will weapons and armor in the sacks scattered around the area. The bear will attack when you reach the far southern part of the map.

Return to the Chanter and receive 1 Gold

Skin Deep
Offered in Redcliffe and Denerim
You are asked to collect 9 corpse galls. If you collect 18, then you will be rewarded extra gold. This drop can be found on Devouring or Enraged Corpses which are found at these locations during this quests:
Redcliffe Castle – Investigating The Disturbance
Circle Tower (3rd floor) – Broken Circle Quest
Werewolf Lair – Nature of the Beast

This quest is somewhat odd in how it will register completion. Once you have 9 galls, it can be turned in. If you have between 9 and 18, it will count it as having 9. To get the full payment for 18, you will need to avoid talking with a Chanter by a board until you have 18.

3 gold for 9 samples
5 gold for 18 samples

Desperate Haven
Head to the Refugees marker on your map. Head forward and you will see a large number of Darkspawn come charging at the refugees. There are at least 8 Hurlocks, one of which is an Emissary, with numerous Genlocks backing them up. Defeat the Darkspawn to complete the quest.

Return to the Chanter to receive 2 gold.