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Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning Destinies Part 3 – Sorcery

Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning Destinies Part 3 – Sorcery

Tier 0
Fateless One – Requirements: None

Your starting destiny. It gives no bonuses or special powers.

Tier 1
Acolyte – Requirements: Sorcery 1
Bonuses: +25% Elemental Damage, 10% Mana Cost Reduction
“As an Acoltye, you are devoted to the arcane and a mastery of elemental forces. You prefer to destroy your opponents with raw magic than through crude or mundane methods”.

The starting “mage” class. This is used to pave the way to other magic-based classes for those who enjoy spell work to stealth or combat. This makes many beginning spells easier to handle overall. Mix with just the starting mage gear and you will be able to use magic with fair efficiency.

Tier 2
Initiate – Requirements: Sorcery 11
Bonuses: +30% Elemental Damage, 13% Mana Cost Reduction
“An Initiate's powerful spells suffice to terrify the vast majority of Amalur's threats. Embracing this Destiny results in a marked increase in the potency of your spells An efficient management of arcane resources helps you outlast less disciplined magic users”.

A reduction in cost and an increase in damage. A small improve from your starting path.

Tier 3
Seer – Requirements: Sorcery 28
Bonuses: +35% Elemental Damage, 13% Mana Cost Reduction, +1 Mana Regen per second, Blink – Short Range Teleport. Replaces Dodge.
“Because of their attunement to mystical energy, Seers naturally replenish their reserves of mana and continue to develop the power of their spells. With this Destiny, you are an adept spell-caster able to teleport short distances with the Blink Ability”.

You gain an innate mana regeneration ability. That mixed with the change from Dodge to Blink shows this to be a fair midpoint class.

Tier 4
Sage – Requirements: Sorcery 49
Bonuses: +40% Elemental Damage, 17% Mana Cost Reduction, +1 Mana Regeneration per second, +15% Duration of all Duration-Based Spells, Ice Blink 1 – Short Range Teleport with Ice Effects. Replaces Dodge.
“As a Sage, besides approaching the natural limits of magical power, the lingering effects of your elemental magic are extended beyond their normal duration. Your understanding of Ice magic allows you to teleport a short distance by harnessing that elemental sphere”.

Your teleport gains an ice effect, giving a chance for freeze or cold damage when you “dodge”. Your spell duration will see an increase as well. Again, gear will stack up with this.

Tier 5
Sorcerer – Requirements: Sorcery 76
Bonuses: +45% Elemental Damage, 20% Mana Cost Reduction, +2 Mana Regeneration per second, +20% Duration of all Duration-Based Spells, Ice Blink 2 – Short-ranged teleport with Ice effects that replaces Dodge

“With this Destiny, you are among the Elite magic users of Amalur. In addition to supernatural offensive and defensive power, great magical reserves, and improved ecomony of mana, you also gain an enhanced Ice Blink ability”.

You should easily be doing over 50% extra damage with all your elemental spells now. Gear will be giving you an increasingly constant flow of mana. Mix in the offensive element of your “dodge” and things are looking bad for foes not immune to Ice.

Tier 6
Archmage – Requirements: Sorcery 109
Bonuses: +50% Elemental Damage, 25% Mana Cost Reduction, +3 Mana Regeneration per second, +25% Duration to all Duration-based spells, Ice Blink 3 – Short-range Teleport with Ice effects that replaces Dodge, Echoes of Fate – Chance to spawn Fate Echo Ally per kill

“The Archmage is unrivalled as the greatest spell-caster of Amalur. With this Destiny you rain fire from the heavens down upon your enemies with ease, and control the elements with a mere thought. Your mastery of the arcane is so potent that Echoes of Fate rise from the corpses of your fallen enemies to aid you in combat”.

Let it be said mages can wield a lot of power. The chance, however small, of gaining additional allies from a massive slaughter is nothing to laugh at. While this might not make a constant difference it is enough that you can get aid sometimes when it is needed.