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The Evil Within guide: Chapter 13 – Casualties


Before you head down to the floors below to check on Kidman, there’s plenty of loot in your immediate area, including the Journal of Sebastian Castellanos. You can also visit Nurse Tatiana here, upgrade and save the game.

Get past the rubble and through the hole in the floor. Dismantle the acid trap at the bottom and move along the corridor until the cutscene plays out.

The whole of this chapter suits stealth play. Take your time sneak-killing enemies and disabling any traps you come acorss. At the elevator shoot the cable and you’ll be split up from Joseph. Head through the vents and you’ll see The Keeper.

You don’t have to face him just yet, so continue through the hall dismantling traps. There are enemies here but if you watch their patterns you’ll be able to kill them from behind and save ammo.

You’ll find another acid trap before you go down the stairwell, then more traps to disable and a little loot. You’ll see The Keeper setting traps – let him do that, then go over to them and dismantle his hard work. In side rooms and inside boxes you’ll find a lot of Green Gel here.

You’ll find a vent on the right that will take you through a hallway and outside. Follow the rubble down a few floors and you’ll find a silver case with Super Mag ammo. A little further on down the hall you’ll come to two doors. The one straight ahead takes you back to the save spot where you should go and upgrade and save progress. Now go back and take the left-hand door.

You’ll drop through another hole and then see a creature with lights on it. Shoot it from a distance as it will explode if you get close. There’s another one of the enemies behind you trying to sneak up, so keep your distance and put it down with some well-placed shots.

You’ll eventually find your way to a kitchen storage room which you can loot before moving on. Watch the cutscene featuring Ruvik, The Keeper and Joseph. Mind the little slicing traps on the floor and disable any Bear Traps on your way. Disable the acid trap and get through the doorway where you saw Ruvik.

When you become trapped in the meat locker with The Keeper, avoid him and use any Freeze Bolts you have. You want to escape through the same vent that Joseph did. Don’t stick around for a fight.

Once through, grab any loot in the next area and make you way outside again, where you’ll see Leslie and Kidman in the next cutscene. Chapter complete.

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