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SWTOR Mission Guide - Hero Worship - Tython

Talk to Padawan Fia on the Elarian Train in Tython, close to the Jedi Temple. This is a level 4 quest.

Padawan Fia:  Master Orgus's new apprentice - wow. Everyone says you're great with a vibroblade. I'm Fia - er Padawan Fia. Still have to get used to having a title. I've just started learning about the Force. I've got a long way to go before I'm as good as you.

Your dialog option are:
You're a beginner
Just focus on learning
How true

Choose any of the options. If you decide to be arrogant and choose the third option, she tells you that she thought Jedi were supposed to be humble, but it does not affect the mission negatively.

Padawan Fia still cannot believe she is here. Just last week she was crewing a garbage scow on Rexus Prime. Then this scary looking Jedi shows up out of nowhere and says that he can sense the Force in me. What are the odds.

Your dialog choices will be:
Pretty good, actually
You're a real chatterbox

Choose the first option. Jedi aren't normally known for their intimidating appearance. She tells you Kel Dor just looks so dangerous. She has never seen anything like him before, not that she has a problem with aliens. She asks you if you know Master Till'in. He is the one who discovered her. She is trying to get a message to him. Master Till'in is studying a big mystery in Kaleth's ruins. Something about ancient droids attacking people. If you are headed to the ruins, she wants you to give Master Tillin a holorecording from her. The dialog wheel comes up:
Consider it handled, Fia.
I have many obligations
Sorry, but no.

Choose the first option. She gives you the holorecording. Master Till;in has a small camp outside the ruins of Kaleth.

SWTOR Hero Worship

Open your mission log:

Hero Worship
Padawan Fia, a new recruit to the Jedi Order, has asked you to deliver a holorecording to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. The ruins have been deemed too dangerous for Padawans of Fia's level. Deliver the holorecording to Jedi Till'in near the ruins of Kaleth.

Continue on the trail to reach the Forward Camp and speak to Jedi Till'in. Ask him if he knows someone named Fia. He tells you that he forgets how violently some humans reacts when first meeting his species. He does not understand why they always seem to shoot before thinking. Tell him humans are strange,  who knows why humans do anything. He says that we should embrace tolerance. Not all beings are enlightened as you are. He thanks you for delivering the holorecording, but wants to instruct Padawan Fia to stop interrupting his work. You get credits and experience for your reward. This also leads to a new mission, "The Last Defenders".