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Resident Evil Revelations Walkthrough Part 4: Ghosts of Veltro (Parker)

You will begin this flashback mission in the doomed city of Terragrigia. You will play as Parker, back when he was still an employee with the FBC. Jessica and the mysterious man from the ship are also here, locked away in what appears to be a panic room. Loop around the room to pick up Machine Gun ammo and check your inventory to see that you have unlocked a new weapon, at least for this section of the game. A Grenade and a Green Herb also sit in the room. After grabbing all of the ammo and items, leave the room and Jessica will follow you.

Follow the linear path and keep to the left to find another Green Herb. Now go down the stairs to reach the lobby area. This lobby will serve as an arena of sorts, as multiple B.O.W enemies will soon begin to swarm the area. Grab what ammo you can from the floor before the Hunters start spawning in. Run around, getting distance between the enemies before trying to shoot them. The Hunters have a lunge attack and can hit you from a decent distance, so be mindful of this when positioning yourself for an attack. As you move around the room killing the Hunters, watch out for various piles of ammo strewn about on the floor. Pick them up as needed to keep your guns well-stocked. After finishing off all of the Hunters, Jessica will call you over. Follow her up the stairs by the front of the area to find the elevator.

Unfortunately, the elevator will break down before you reach the desired floor. You will have to move up the other floors by foot, so leave the elevator behind and proceed into the hallway. Go to the left, walk through the door, grab the ammo, and keep moving. You will be met with a little orange barricade, which you can jump over by pressing Y. Jump over the barricade and a Hunter will pop out. The hallway makes a loop around the central room, into which you can go through one of two doors on either side. Go through one of the doors and into the room to find another Hunter, along with some Machine Gun ammo. Kill the Hunter before grabbing the ammo.

After leaving the room, you will see a door to the right and a door to the left. The door on the right contains a Shotgun, which you should absolutely collect. The other room contains a Green Herb, Shotgun shells, and a file for you to read about the FBC’s shipping practices, along with two Grenades. Leave these rooms behind after looting them and go through the last door. You will have to jump over another barricade. Around the corner, a few more Hunters will ambush you. In these tightly enclosed corridors, the Shotgun is your best bet. Proceed through the next door and up the stairs. Along the way you will find another Green Herb. Grab it and go through the door at the top of the stairs.

Turn to the right and go through the set of double doors. To your right is another Green Herb, while to your left will be another Hunter. Kill the Hunter and grab the Herb. The locker at the end of the path contains Machine Gun ammo. The lockers by the door also contain ammo, this time for the Handgun and Shotgun. Exit through the door and follow the path right to find a closed shutter, which Parker and Jessica will open. Keep going along this corridor to arrive in a square room with several barricades and an elevator. Do not examine the elevator until you are ready for an intense battle. Ammo and supplies litter the floor in this area, so grab them before you examine the elevator. Once you have made sure that all of your guns are reloaded, press the button to call the elevator.

Pressing the button will trigger several waves of Hunters to come after you. The first wave will spawn from the front and the left sides of the room. Additional waves will continue to spawn and chase you down afterwards. Waiting for the creatures to get up close so you can get a one-shot kill with the Shotgun is an effective strategy in this battle. If you ever get caught reloading, quickly switch to the Machine Gun until you knock the Hunters on their backs, then reload, switch back to the Shotgun, and reload that gun as well while they are stunned. You should have plenty of ammo to get through this section, so you really don’t even need to worry about switching to the pistol at all.

Once the elevator arrives, Jessica will call out. Run into the elevator, but you still have to finish off the remaining enemies. Switch to your Shotgun if you don’t have it out already, and using the elevator entrance as a funnel blast away at the approaching Hunters. Pick them off one at a time, spraying yourself with a Green Herb here and there if they hit you. You should have plenty of Green Herbs in your inventory, and if you die here you have to restart the entire battle, so it’s best to use the Herbs judiciously.

After the last enemy is dead you can press the control panel to close the elevator. You are almost home free, although the city of Terragrigia is not so lucky. The FBC and the government are turning a giant solar-powered laser on the city in an attempt to cut off the virus before it can spread. You have to reach the roof and escape right now. The path is linear, so follow it as it turns and you will be deposited on the roof. Run towards the helicopter to initiate a cutscene. As you fly away, the city will be disintegrated.

This completes the first half of the third episode, and puts you back into Jill’s shoes on the haunted ship.