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The Darkness 2 Walkthrough Part 9 – Strange People, Rat In A Maze

The Darkness 2 Walkthrough Part 9 – Strange People, Rat In A Maze

You are back in the Ward. Head out and to the right. Go down the first corridor to the left. Approach Jenny and Jackie will chase after her. One of the Orderlies will get in your way. Tell him to get out of your way and he will push you away. Head into the common area to the left and talk with whoever you feel like. No one there has a weapon to give you so make for your room. Continue on down the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, by your room you will find Dolfo. Talk with him to learn that you need to get into the Janitor's Closet. Head over to it and try to open it. The Janitor will come along, talking in a familiar fashion. He will let you in and tell you to close the door. Jackie will do that automatically. With that, you will get out of the Asylum from the Darkling.

Rat In A Maze
Jackie is still in the Asylum but it has been warped. The Darkling will explain more about what has been going on and more of what the Asylum itself is. It explains that it is meant to act as a barrier between Jackie and Jenny. Just follow the Darkling all the way to the font and head on through it. He ends telling Jackie he needs to possess the Darkling again.

Jackie comes to in the Iron Maiden with Victor and his aid, Mr. Peevish looking in on you. After a quick scene with them, you are the Darkling. Head forward and to the right. You will find a large room with three guards. One you can easily execute while the other two are a lot harder as they hang out in a well-lit area. Head into the fireplace on the right-hand wall and use the Darkling's swipe attack to break the bar and clear the way down. Head on through.

At the bottom you best head through the small passage on the right. There you can start to execute the Brotherhood's guards in the area. Weave from left to right, killing everyone you can. When you came to to a stand of barrels, head through the opening that is to the right of it. Take that to the far side of the shaft and head on back into the wine cellar. You can continue to creep through the cellar easily using the next opening or kill a couple more guards and then continue forward.

The next point of interest is a gate. You will notice that light nearby it is working erratically at best. While it is off the Darkling needs to charge it and  shred the wires inside. Now approach the gate and swipe it open. Climb the pipe that is just behind the gate into the opening above.

Find a way to reach Jackie
Head to the right and through the passage there. At the T-intersection go left. Emerge and kill the two guards there. Now get and stay on the right-hand side of the room. There is an open door there. Go through it and look just a little to the left to find a relic, Pope John XII. Now head through the opening to the left of where you found the relic. Just follow this path straight.

Look upwards. You will see some wires running back farther into the room. Follow this to find the next passage. Turn left and you see the way forward is blocked by light. Head a little more to the right and go through the nearby opening. Head down the next corridor and then slip up behind the next guard and kill him. Head around the pillar, to the left and kill the next guard as well. Head back to the first part in front of the opening you originally came into this area through and take care of the guard who likely is looking around there now. Now head for the door that is to your right.

Just inside it, turn left. You will spot a pipe to climb up. Do so and head straight ahead to find the wires you need to slice to clear the way to Jackie.

Drop down then go to the left. Start and keep dashing. Go through the first opening on your left. On the other side you can sneak up behind a Light Brother. Rip his throat out and head to the left. Turn right at the T-intersection and deal with the guard coming toward you. Head forward, taking the first right then turn to the left. There is another Light Brother. Dash up behind him and kill him to make things easier. Head right, left, right and smash the boards over the opening.

Go through the opening and head through the hole on your right. Drop down, make the first left. You can now drop down to the floor with the Brother torturing Jackie. Execute him to return to controlling Jackie.

Escape the Cellar
Follow the Darkling to the stairs and start taking them upwards. Jackie was almost free of the Darkness but he knows he needs it back to save Jenny's soul. When you reach the gate, go to the left. You will find a parted curtain just a short ways down to the left in this passage. Push through the stone and head on down the corridor. You will find your Father's office. First, turn to the right, just inside the door, to find another relic, the “Reliquary Of The Blessed Blood”. Now go to the back wall and collect the 1887, your father's old gun. Head on out and to the left. Blast the first of the Brotherhood you see to start things going again.

Head straight across then to the left. You have three Brothers waiting down the corridor. Use cover to keep Jackie healthy. Head forward and to the right. Continue down the next corridor. Go straight down it, dealing with all of the Brotherhood that is in front of you. Head for the light in front of you.

At the top of the stairs, to the left, you will see Victor stab Peevish in the chest with the Siphon. This imbues him with some of the Darkness's powers.

He summons two Darklings and sends them after you. He will honestly just run circles around the area, summoning Darklings and shooting at you. Avoid the green blast he unleashes as they will slow you down and hurt you some. Kill the Darklings that get in your way but otherwise do not worry about them. Just follow him as best you can and shoot him dead.

Now head over to his corpse and reclaim a part of the Darkness. Head to the back right of the room and rip through the gate. The Darkling reveals an interesting insight to your present set-up. That you have your abilities but the Darkness itself is not there to power them. Head up the stairs to start the next mission.