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The Darkness 2 Walkthrough Part 8 – Fun and Games Part 2

The Darkness Walkthrough Part 8 – Fun and Games Part 2

You come back to the present after that. The blue bear will be sitting on the ground in front of you as the Darkness emerges from Jackie. Head immediately to the right. You will spot an open door in front of you. Go through it to find the next relic in this area, The Abysmal Maw.

You are attacked by the Brotherhood from the opposite end of the area. There are mostly gunmen with some Armored in the first wave. In the second wave you will encounter one with a Riot Shield and another with a Floodlight. Kill all of them.

Now head on up the stairs on your right. Stop just before the top of the stairs and shoot out the light above you. Now head to the left into the hallway. You will find a well-lit barrier. Just wait for the Darkling to reach you for you to move into the next area.

Head forward. On the left you will find a Talent shrine for some upgrades. After that, head to the right to move on forward. Turn to the left after you see Victor and you will have a Trio from the Brotherhood to deal with. One is a Brawler, one has a Floodlight and one is a gunman. Retreat back around the corner and kill whoever comes after you then worry about the guy with the floodlight.

Head forward and there will be a Clown Gate in front of you. Three gunmen will emerge from it to be followed by other reinforcements soon enough. Gun them down and start dealing with the lights that you can in the area. You cannot put out the sign above so just work around that carefully.

Victor will taunt you from the gate quickly before telling his men to slam it shut. Now you need to find a way through it. The Darkling will offer to help out. He will grab an explosive tank and offer it up to you. Grab it and throw it against the Gate. This will break it some but you need more.

Turn left and you have more of the Brotherhood coming at you. Duck to the left to avoid being in the spot light. Deal with the gunman who will likely follow you then the one with the whip. At the back you have the man with the floodlight and the one with the armor and riot shield. Focus on the floodlight as the Armored one is not half as mobile and is a lot tougher.

Once all of them are dead, head down the passage to the left of the Clown Gate and into the stand on the left. GO through the door, shoot out the light in the next room and grab the relic that is sitting on the table. This relic is “The Crescent Of The Sun”. Now head all the way to the left. You have a floodlight covering the area and a few of the Brotherhood shooting at you. You need to dash through the light after and take out the generator behind it. Move on forward from there to get to the next fight with the Brotherhood.

You have only a few gun-totting men this time the rest are armored or using special in some fashion. Still, kill them carefully. If you get low on ammo remember to do some hitman executions to replenish your supplies. After you kill them head to the back of the room and rip the door of its hinges with Grabby.

Beyond that you will find a ladder to your left. Take it up. At the top you will find a Talent Shrine. Head to the right and through the next door. You will spot three of the Brotherhood on the far side of the room. Two gunmen and one with a Darkness Shield. Kill whoever comes after you first then wipe out the survivors as you make your way over to the other side of the room.

When you make it over to the opposite side, hop over the counter in front of you to get a clean shot at generator. This will put out the floodlight that is filling the area. Now follow the Darkling to the right to the next door leading outside.

Outside you have a lot of light and all the lights are grated so you cannot shoot them out. Head forward into the light and turn left when you can. Get to the ventilation shed on the roof and take refuge behind that. Three gunmen will come out at you. Work quickly to kill them then head into the part they came from. Head to the right to find the generator for those armored lights. Shoot it out, reload, collect the ammunition behind you and head back to the rooftop.

When you get back out on the rooftop you have a flare go off in front of you. Look over the street below to spot the Brotherhood Gunmen on the opposite side shooting at you from the roof of the arcade and the few below on the street. Kill everyone you can then drop down to the street below.

When you land, a few more Brothers will slip out of the arcade. You have one with a Whip, one with a Shield and a few gunmen. Deal with them then head into the arcade. Head inside and go up the stairs in the back left. Head on up to the roof and across it. About the high point of it roof you will find a Talent Shrine. On the far side of the roof you have four gunmen below you waiting to start shooting at you. Fire on them with some of the roof to shelter you to render their flares useless against you. Just fire down on them to ensure a quick victory.

Down down to the ground after that. When you land you have a few more of the Brotherhood to deal with. The first one though has a whip and will likely get one or two of your guns away from you. Kill him quickly. The second one is a Teleporting Brother who will be followed shortly by one with a Floodlight. Unload on both of them.

Head into the warehouse with the truck. Before you do anything else, head around the truck and look at the far side of the room. You will find another relic, Siddhartha's Tears. Now it is time to deal with getting the truck loose with the Darkling driving it. Head over to the other side and rip open the red door there. Inside this room you need to head up a few steps to find the button for the garage door. Push it to watch a quick scene. The Darkling is not a horrible driver, which is kind of surprising.

Exit the room and head back to the street. Now go through the open gate. Just walk on forward and enter into the Castle of Horrors.

Inside the Castle, to the left, is a Talent Shrine. Hold off a moment and approach the ticket counter. Go to the one on the right and grab the relic there, “Mark of Cain”. Collect that then use the Talent Shrine to upgrade Jackie's powers some more.

Now head down the walkway on the left. Follow it along forward. When you head around the second corner you will deal with another hallucination of Jenny. This one is different from any other thus far. You are on a rail ride and will need to deal with Brotherhood Gunmen as they appear in the Haunted Castle and attack you. Shoot them quickly … and protect Jenny? The Brotherhood's men are easy enough to deal with throughout the ride.

At the end of it Jenny will fade away. Move forward and open the Iron Maiden in front of you. Just be ready.