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Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning Destinies Part 4 – Might, Finesse, Sorcery Destinies

Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning Destinies Part 4 – Might, Finesse, Sorcery Destinies

Tier 0
Fateless One – Requirements: None

Your starting destiny. It gives no bonuses or special powers.

Tier 1
Seeker – Requirements: Might 2, Finesse 2, Sorcery 2
Bonuses: +7% Melee, Ranged and Magic attack damage, 25% Equip requirements reduction
“With this Destiny you are a Jack of all Trades, proficient in all forms of combat. Whether it is in melee, at a distance or magical combat, you will rarely find yourself without recourse. You are comfortable with the trappings of mage, warrior and rogue alike”.

That starting be anything class. This one gives absolute freedom to play however one would desire. It forces an even development of all class skills as you level up to maintain access. This one requires careful planning at times to manage properly.

Tier 2
Wayfarer – Requirements: Might 4, Finesse 4, Sorcery 4
Bonuses: +10% Melee, Ranged and Magic Damage, 25% Equip requirements reduction, +1 to all skills

“The Wayfarer could just as likely be seen in the vanguard of the Alfar army as alone in the woods of Dalentarth. With this Destiny you are an adaptive combatant and resourceful explorer of both wilderness and civilization”.

The first of many benefits is conferred in this class. You gain a boost to all your skills. They mean all of them. This is a great help in the early game where that single point can make a huge difference. Even later on it makes it easier to reach the benchmarks easier (or at least get the benefits!)

Tier 3
Adventurer – Requirements: Might 10, Finesse 10, Sorcery 10
Bonuses: +13% Melee, Ranged and Magic Damage, 25% Equip requirements reduction, +1 to all skills, +5 Damage Resistance

“As an Adventurer, you are experienced in all forms of combat and exploration. You are well accustomed to the shadows, wielding the arcane, or trading blows in a melee. Because you are used to life on the road you are tougher than the average denizen of Amalur”.

Tier 4
Prodigy – Requirements: Might 17, Finesse 17, Sorcery 17
Bonuses: +15% Melee, Ranged and Magic Damage, 25% Equip requirements reduction, +1 to all skills, +7% Damage Resistance, +5% Critical Hit Chance

“The Various pursuits and interets of the Prodigy include all types of weapons, magic and armor. You are acclimated to a rugged lifestyle and naturally resistant to all attacks. You also have a greater chance to land a critical strike”.

Tier 5
Polymath – Requirements: Might 26, Finesse 26, Sorcery 26
Bonuses: +17% Melee, Ranged and Magic Damage, 25% Equip requirements reduction, +2 to all skills, +10% Damage Resistance, +7% Critical Hit Chance

“Your experiences with the varied dangers of Amalur has honed you into a dilettante of combat. Felling countless foes has prepared you for any battle”.

Tier 6
Universalist – Requirements: Might 37, Finesse 37, Sorcery 37
Bonuses: +20% Melee, Ranged and Magic Damage, 25% Equip requirements reduction, +3 to all skills, +12% Damage Resistance, +10% Critical Hit Chance, Mastery of Arms – Unlocks all Weapon Mastery Abilities

“The Universalist is an expert of all forms of combat with a mastery over all manner of weapon. You are a rare legend of prowess in finesse, might and sorcery. Few are your equal in one of these specialties, and there none who can compare in all of them”.

There is something very nice about unlocking a massive number of Weapon Mastery abilities. With the variety of weapons in this game, there will be no wanting for variety. At this point you could have gained access to a few of them but it is nice to just get them as a batch deal.