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Resident Evil Revelations Walkthrough Part 14: The Queen Is Dead

This is it: The final episode of Resident Evil Revelations! You’re close, but not out of the woods yet. One of the game’s most challenging boss fights awaits you, and you’ll have to navigate through the infected ship in order to get to him.

When you begin this episode, you will be standing outside of the ship. Press Y at the valve to open the door and enter the Queen Zenobia. Look to the left to find a Green Herb perched on the wall, and to the right to find some ammo. You will have to use the torch in the room to open up the next part of the path. Do so and walk through the door. In the next room with the strange “blob” inside of it, pick up the ammo and leave through the door straight in front of you. You will enter a room with some Illegal Custom Parts. Pick them up and leave through the other door. Head to the left and you will soon find an enemy snacking on a passenger.

After that little scene, go to the left for some additional ammo and then head down to the right to proceed down the critical path. Hang another right and pick up some more ammo from the ground. Keep walking down this path and through the door at its end. Head right to find more ammo. Pick it up and go through the door to your left. Walk down this path until you find a gap to the right. This is where you are supposed to go through. From here, proceed to the left and go straight until you reach another left turn. Take this left as well and walk through the second opening in the wall.

Keep going straight until the path branches off to the left. Follow the left offshoot to find another opening in the wall. Go through it and grab the Pulse Grenade just inside the frame of the opening. As you move along the path to the left, collect some ammo from the ground if you still need some and go into the room with the button in it. There will be another case of ammo in here. After picking it up, press the button. You will now have to retrace your steps back to Chris while avoiding the swimming monsters that have infested this area of the ship. Your map on the lower screen will indicate the locations of these monsters, and although the map lags a bit behind the real-time action, this can be very helpful.

Upon returning to Chris, you will find that a previously locked door has now been opened. Get your partner and go through it to see what’s on the other side. You will find ammunition and a ladder. Climb up the ladder after grabbing the ammo to initiate a cutscene. After the cutscene ends, you will be faced with a corpse. Search the corpse to find the Voice Recorder item. It will automatically begin to play. Listen to the recording. After it’s over, go through the door and walk down the hall. Follow the path as it makes two left turns. Walk through the open door to pick up Shotgun ammo, and then scan the corpse inside of the room to reveal some Machine Gun ammo.

Head through the door nearby to find a seemingly empty room with a shelf. Scanning the floor will reveal a Grenade, while scanning the right shelf will procure a Green Herb. From here, proceed to the right-hand side of the level to find a file. Read it, and then head over to the broken clock. Scan the clock for ammo and scan the wall to the left of it to find another hidden handprint. From here, walk through the open door to view a cutscene. After it’s over, pick up the ammo scattered about the room and scan the floor by the screen to find another Grenade. You will also find a customization box in this room. This will be your last opportunity to modify your weapons before tackling the final boss, so choose your mods loadout wisely.

Grab the Green Herb by the door before walking through. You will come to a staircase. Walk down and through to doors at the base of the stairs. Turn your scanner to the right to find hidden ammo, and to the left to find a Green Herb along with more ammo. There will be still another case of ammo sitting in plain sight to your left. You will see Norman, but don’t approach him just yet. Instead, use your scanner to examine the platform he is standing on. You will find one last hidden handprint. Now approach Norman. He will drop his scanner. Pick it up from the ground. Make sure that you are healed and otherwise prepared for the battle to come before trying to leave through the doors that you came in from. Turns out you’ve been locked in. A cutscene will begin, and afterwards you will be plunged into a boss battle against Norman.

Boss Battle: Norman

Norman is an annoying boss to fight, mainly because of his abilities to turn invisible and to teleport. You will receive a little warning just as the boss is about to teleport and attack you. As soon as you get this warning, pull out a gun and be ready to fire. Also frustrating is his swipe attack, which will knock you to the ground if it connects. If you fall over you will have to repeatedly mash the Y button to stand up before succumbing to further attacks. The only real strategy for tackling this attack is to simply dodge out of the way. If you see Norman reeling up for a swipe, get out of there.

Norman can also pick you up if you let him get close enough. This will essentially result in instant death, as the boss will impale you after grabbing you. He has pretty long reach, too, so be especially careful of this move. Continuing the assault, Norman will occasionally create clones of himself to distract you. Don’t pay them any mind. Instead, focus fire on the Norman with purple smoke pouring from his mouth. This is how you can distinguish the real deal from the copies. Occasionally, however, you won’t spot any of the copies spewing out the purple smoke. In this case, Norman is about to teleport behind you for a powerful attack. Your best bet here is to actually charge the copy, as its attacks won’t hurt you.

With all of these powerful attacks coming your way, it can be difficult to mount an offensive. For this reason, you should take your time and pick and choose your moments. When Norman winds up to attack is the best time to shoot him, as there will be a pause before he executes his moves. You should be able to get in a few good shots to the head or heart before having to dodge out of the way. These are his weak points, so always aim there. Don’t worry if the fight seems to be taking a long time; let it play out and keep your health high and your aim steady. With time Norman will die, as long as you keep focusing your fire on his weak points. As he falls, a cutscene will trigger and the credits will roll. Congratulations, you just defeated Norman and beat Resident Evil Revelations!