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Mass Effect 3 Demo Walkthrough

Mass Effect 3 Demo Walkthrough

A good cutscene opens things up, helping you grasp what is going on and setting the scene for what is to come, the pending Reaper Invasion. After another scene in the council room, the Invasion itself begins.

Start following Anderson across the outcropping to the left. You will get a quick tutorial on running and taking a running jump. Just keep on Anderson's tail for now, there is no real threat at the moment. When you reach the ledge you can either use L3 or click the left thumbstick to lower yourself or just run at the ledge and Shepard will drop. Head to the left then take the ladder up. Continue forward to the raised part of the roof. Move up against and follow the prompts on-screen to climb up onto it.

Just a little farther on, once you reach the metal roofing, and you will encounter your first waves of Husks. Shoot whichever ones you can. Once Anderson calls out that he is out of ammo, head to the right and go down the ladder. Shepard will slide down. Now head for the walkway on the other side of the barrier. Hop it and begin shooting the husks there. You will run out of ammo whenever you empty your present clip. After that, you are told how to melee attack. Charge on up and pistol whip any remaining husks plus the one that comes up running at you.

A Reaper ship fires a beam at the building you are on and Shepard dives for cover. After, head into the blasted building. Directly in front of you, on the opposite side of the room, is a med kit. Open it for some experience and medi-gel. Head into the next room on the left and to the door on the back wall. Open it and a husk will come at you through the partially open door. Follow the prompts on screen to use a heavy melee attack to kill it.

Head for the door after to let Anderson through. Shepard will try to help a child who refuses their help. A cutscene plays then you are in control again. Grab the heat sinks so you have some ammo again. Head through the broken window and drop down. Follow Anderson to the left. Keep on his tail, both before and after the explosion.

When Shepard stops sliding, head to the left. A short cutscene and you are shooting a new type of enemy called Cannibals. This helps explain the cover mechanics in the game while you gun down the trio on the other side. After that, another cutscene runs and you are after the gunship on the other side for the radio within.

Head forward and to the left. As you start to make a right, look at the ground to find some salvage and get some extra experience. Now continue around the corner and keep moving forward. Take cover shortly after as you will encounter four Cannibals. You are given a quick tutorial on how to use your ammo abilities. Activate it and start firing from cover.

Once they are gunned down, continue forward. As you do, there is one Cannibal who was hiding to the right that will reveal themselves. Shoot it down then head on in that direction. Keep to the right, you will find an assault rifle you can use. Anderson will come forward shortly and announce he found a radio he can use. Head over to it and interact with it. Another cutscene runs then a wave of enemies comes rushing at you.

There are about six Cannibals in the initial blast that will come at you. Mix your ammo powers and class abilities to take them out easily. You will most likely start running low on ammo during the second wave of another six. It is also about this time, as you are getting down to your final bullets that the Normandy comes in, with Joker announcing it. Anderson opts to stay behind to aid the resistance on Earth as Shepard leaves with the Normandy to rally support against the Reapers.

The Female Krogan
This starts with Shepard, Liara, Wrex and Garrus landing at a Salarian base to grab a fertile female krogan. When you are in control, turn around and head to the left. Start going forward as soon as you can. Turn right and be sure to examine the data pad for some credits. Now return to the starting point and activate the Quarantine Checkpoint to send Moridin and the krogan up to the next checkpoint. As soon as you do, Shepard will have a pair of assault troops to deal with at range. Gun them down quickly then start for the next checkpoint. Head forward and to the left on the roof ledge.

Around the corner you have two to three assault troops and a centurion in the back ranks who will move forward. The centurion has some shielding so you must punch through that quickly before you can start inflicting damage on them. Kill them all and head through the doorway. The fighting will abate for now. Approach the next door and open it up. Head through and to the right, going up the stairs. At the top you will see a Salarian take down a human who was coming at them, this is Major Kirrahe.

After a quick cutscene you are facing down a Cerebrus squad that has a pair of turrets backing them up. The squadron has one combat engineer, who should be your first target after you take out a turret, and three assault troops. They will very likely throw down a final turret as an effect to repulse you but it is easy enough to take out. Head on forward once the path is clear.

Head to the right where you see the door. Be sure to go more over to the right to get scanned and gain access to the specimen area. Head through to the right. Be sure to access the medical station on the left for some extra experience. Now head down the corridor and be sure to stop at the second right corner for some more ammo.

When you open the door, be ready for a fight as there is another squad on the other side. There are three … two assault troops. Take them out and you will be dealing with three Guardians, troops with shields. Head forward to the desk on the right to collect some armor. Now head back and go up the stairs on your left. At the top of the stairs you will find one assault troop waiting for you. Gun him down and head on to the left then forward. A centurion will launch up to the same level as Shepard. Gun him down while he is still landing. Likely the fight will finish now. Turn to the right and look for a door on this level. Once your squad regroups head through it. Mordin will call, telling you that Cerberus is attacking the pod. You will immediately encounter four Assault troops. Quickly gun them down with Garrus and Liara's aid. You can find a research note on the first desk on the left.

When this fight is over, head forward, past the pod, to find the power relay that Mordin is talking about. The switch for it is on the left-hand wall. Shepard will push it in to get the elevator moving again. Just as it does, another squad of Cerberus troops will come at it. There are two assault troops, two guardians, and a centurion. Kill them to finish this part of the fight

Approach the console in front of the cargo elevator. Use it to clear the elevator. Once you do five Cerberus troops will appear and attack you. There is one centurion while the rest are assault troops. Kill them then head for the door in the back area. Use the one that is straight in front of you. Bypass it, jump the gap and climb up the ladder to the next portion of the facility.

Up top you will find the elevator under Cerberus assault again. This one has four assault troops and a pair of centurions. Remember to use disruptive powers on the centurions to take out their shields quickly. Once they are all dead, head for the lower portion of the central area. This will let you give Mordin the clearance he needs to move up to the final part.

Just as clear the elevator, Cerberus will send an Atlas down at you. First use Disruptive ammo to destroy its shields. After that, switch to incendiary to quickly destroy the armor and the walker itself. Now there are three assault troops backing it up so deal with them. That will wrap up the action portion of the Demo.