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Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Part 3: No Prison Tats

Climb up the large statue at the start of this level and go to the left to find a ledge with a treasure on it. Now follow the forest path. You will come to a downed log in the path. Jump over it and keep going. After you jump over the log, turn around and you will be prompted to take a picture. Get the large face of the totem in your sights and snap the photo. You will have to zoom in a little for a 100% rating. After snapping the photo, turn around and proceed to the giant log that has fallen across the river. A cutscene will play showing Dante challenging Drake to cut through some bamboo across the river. Turn around and get off of the log. Run around the rim of the cliff and climb up the grey ledge to the left. Proceed up and around the cliff face, using the tiny grey outcroppings as handholds. When you get to the end of the path of handholds, jump across the gap.

Approaching the bamboo will make a touch icon appear in the right corner of the screen. Touch the picture of the machete to begin a minigame. You will have to follow the onscreen arrows by swiping your finger across the screen three times. The bamboo will be cut and you will reveal a path leading upwards. Climb up to the eye of the large statue to grab a treasure, and then climb back down. Loop back around via the stone outcroppings to the left and follow Dante as he jumps over the gap in the rocks.

Move over to the right to find another patch of bamboo. Use your machete to carve through it, and climb the vine that is revealed to reach a secret charcoal etching. Return to the ground and follow Dante. Jump down the little ledge here and join Dante to initiate a cutscene and, following that, a gunfight. Two enemies will stand atop the large vehicle. Take cover behind the boxes and use your pistol to take them out. After the enemies have fallen, move to the right of the area, near a vine-covered tree, and take a snapshot of the large vehicle before climbing up its face.

When you reach the top, turn around to be faced with another snapshot opportunity. Take a picture of the boxes that you were cowering behind earlier to complete this collectible. Jump down from the giant tractor and turn around to find bamboo. Slash it and go down the path. Climb the small handholds at the end of the path to find a treasure. Turn around and follow the path to a locked gate. After a cutscene, use the touch screen to rotate the dial into position. As Dante tells you, you will have to rotate the dial to the right twice to reset it, then stop on 4, rotate left to 11, and rotate right again to 2. Remove your finger from the screen to unlock the gate.

What follows is a long series of cutscenes and touch-based minigames. First, you will examine a strange burial site with Dante. He will ask you to examine a helmet. Rotate the helmet using the rear touch pad and dust it off by swiping over the front touch screen.  Following this minigame, a cutscene will play introducing the character Marissa Chase. After Dante leaves, she will ask you to examine one of the skulls. Rotate it all the way around to abide by her request. Another cutscene will play, and Chase will hand you her amulet. Examine it much the same way you did with the others. This will lead into yet another cutscene before yielding to a firefight as a group of enemies approaches the burial grounds.

Five enemies will approach from the front. Take cover and take out the five enemies as they run under the wooden bridge. After they are dead, turn around to find a sixth enemy attempting to flank you. Kill his as well. You can pick up an alternate type of pistol here, but it’s essentially the same as the one you’re already carrying. Follow Chase up the vine, but climb all the way to the top instead of jumping off at the ledge. Turn right so that you are facing the tiny wooden bridge, then jump off. If you aimed this tricky jump just right, Drake will land on the bridge. Walk under the large blue tarp to find a treasure in a shallow grave. Turn and proceed along the wooden bridge. About halfway across, an icon will appear on the side of the screen indicating that a photo can be taken. Snap a picture of the barrels on top of the cliff face behind you to pass this test.

Climb up the vine at last and follow Chase. Another cutscene will lead you into a stealth-based section. Sneak up on the first enemy to knock him out, then immediately get behind cover. Wait until the nearest enemy walks past you and the enemy in front of you turns his back. Slink out from cover to knock the second guard out, then run up to the log and take cover just as the third enemy turns around. Take him out over the log when he approaches. You will have to shoot the final guy on the bridge above you as there is no way to climb up to him. Take him out and then watch out for the two reinforcements that will come up from behind you.

Double back to the gate with the radiation symbol on it to take a picture. Then follow Chase to the log crossing the river to start up a cutscene. You will have to cover her as she makes her way across the log. Three enemies will emerge. Kill them and then cross the log yourself, balancing the Vita as it shifts under Drake’s weight. Look to the left for a small indentation in the path. Climbing the handholds here will lead you to a ledge with a treasure.

Climb down the rope in the clearing after Chase. Two guys will start firing at you. Shoot them and continue to make your way down the rope. About 2/3 of the way down, two more enemies will begin firing your way. Climb back up the rope to get a better vantage point to take them out. Climb back to the bottom of the rope. Look to your immediate right to find a cluster of bamboo hiding a path to the top of the column behind it. At the top of the column you will find a hidden charcoal etching.

Head over to a cluster of vines on your left to take a picture of the rope that you just climbed down. Follow Chase to begin another cutscene. Following this, climb to the top of the ledge and around the cliff face to a small plateau. Shimmy under the waterfall and jump over the gap. Follow Chase as she jumps and climbs across the mountain. When you reach the waterfall, shimmy slowly past to initiate a cutscene of a guard emerging from below you. Wait until he is in position, then hit Square or touch the icon to jump down on top of him, collecting a treasure in the process. This will end chapter two of Uncharted Golden Abyss.