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SWTOR Walkthrough - Strength of the Flesh Raiders - Tython

Speak with Vederiat Ayon in Kalikori Village to begin this mission. This is a level 4 quest.

Vederiat Ayon: Come over here Jedi, and spare a moment for a humble servant of the matriarch. I promise, your other dealings will wait. My name is Vederiat Ayon. I minister to the bodies and spirits of the villagers. And I have a request. I speak of the Flesh Raiders. Of late, we've seen them growing stronger - and I know why.

You can say:
What's their story, anyway
I'm listening
They're no thread to Jedi

Try the third option. It doesn't matter how strong they get, the Jedi can handle them. Ayon tells you that perhaps the Jedi can, but the Kalikori cannot. And so she asks for your aid. The Flesh Raiders have been experimenting. Concocting an elixir that makes them ravenous.  The ones who drink it go mad. Their lips Froth, and they pounce like starving animals. It's black medicine - primitive and evil. You can reply:
They're manufacturing elixirs?
You're sure?
This is foolish

Choose the first option. How could Flesh Raiders learn to do something like that. Vederiat Ayon tells you she has no idea. Such wickedness is beyond their comprehension. The Kalikori lack the numbers to attack the Flesh Raiders directly, and not even the Jedi could wipe the monsters from this world. But with their warriors' help, the Jedi could reach the Flesh Raider caves and destroy the vats of elixir.  Tell her you will do it. She sends you to their guard captain, Odumis Mer, who knows where the vats are hidden. Talk to him to learn the Raiders' secrets.

Odumis Mer is standing on the other side of the village. He knows Vederiat sent you. He thinks Vederiat is making a terrible mistake by wanting to destroy the Flesh Raider Elixir. Odumis Mer thinks that we should not destroy the elixir because we need it. He will pay you well if you bring the elixir to him. You can say:
I just want information.
You'll pay me?

Choose the third option to ask him what exactly he is offering.  He tells you that he can offer you Republic credits, and more than Vederiat will offer. The elixir can make their guardsmen strong. Yes, it may change them, but it will work. They can defend the village and destroy our foes.  Imagine - if the elixir can make a Flesh Raider powerful, what would it do for a Pilgrim Warrior?

You can tell him:
The elixir must be destroyed (LIGHT)
Elixir for credits. Deal. (DARK)

Choosing the first option gives you 50 light points, while choosing the second one gives you the same amount of points on the dark side. Either way, he tells you that the elixir is in the Flesh Raider caves beyond Kalikori.

Check your mission log:

Strength of the Flesh Raiders
Vederiat Ayon, a leader among the Kalikori Village, has told you that the Flesh Raiders are becoming stronger because of an elixir they've concocted that makes them ravenous. She believes depriving the Flesh Raiders of those elixirs will cause them to become less aggressive. She has asked you to destroy the vats the elixir are created in. Odumis Mer, the village guard captain, informed you that the vats are located in the Flesh Raider caves - but requested that you recover the elixir for the village guards to use.

Depending on your choice, your mission now will be either to destroy or retrieve the five vats of Flesh Raider Elixir.

Open your map and locate the Flesh Raiders cave. Travel there. On your way through the hallows, defeat fifteen Flesh Raider Salvagers, Stalkers, Loreseekers, Beast Handlers, and Shamans to complete the bonus mission "Thin the Flesh Raider Ranks".

SWTOR Strenght of the Flesh Raiders

Enter the caves and interact with five of the vats, either picking them up or destroying them. Then quick travel back to the Kalikori  village and report either to Vederiat Ayon or Odumis Mer.

If you destroyed the Elixir, Vederiat thanks you and you receive your reward.

If you retrieved the elixir, Odumis tells you he is eager to feed it to his guardsmen. He rewards you with credits and tells you that he will lie to Vederiat that the elixir was destroyed, but before long, his warriors will strike at the Flesh Raider settlement.

This concludes the mission, Strength of the Flesh Raiders.