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SWTOR Walkthrogh - Mercy - Ord Mantell

Speak to Sergeant Hurd near the mail box in Fort Garnik to begin this mission. This is a level 5 quest.

Sergeant Hurd: Soldier! Soldier!  You're special forces, right? I have an urgent mission for you. If you can spare the time.  (This dialog can vary whether you are playing a trooper or a smuggler)

You can reply:
Is there a problem?
Fill me in
You paying?

Tell him to fill you in. He tells you that one of his boys dozed off on guard duty last night. Let the fort's stock of medicine get stolen. If we don't get that medicine back, some good Republic soldiers are gonna leave Ord Mantell in body bags. Ask him if there are any suspects, if he has any idea who took the medicine. The Sergeant tells you that Sleepyhead claims he woke up as the thief was making her escape. Only saw the back of her, but she looked like a Cathar. The Cathar are aliens, sort of cat people that lived nearby. Some were driven out of their homes from the fighting. The refugee camp is a good place to start. Sergeant Hurd asks that you hurry. Good soldiers' lives depend on this medicine.

Open your mission log for the full details:

Sergeant Hurd discovered that medicine has been stolen from Fort Garnik's stack. He believes a Cathar at the refugee camp may be responsible. Speak with the Cathar named Yael at the refugee camp in Fort Garnik to determine her involvement.

Your task is to speak to Yael. Yael is a cat like humanoid standing under a tent in the refugee camp just outside Fort Garnik. She is speaking to some kid:

Yael: I'm sorry Ryso, I don't have any medicine for you today.
Ryso: It hurts!
Yael: I know, but there is nothing I can do right now. I'm sorry, honey.

SWTOR Mercy Ord Mantell

Yael notices you standing there. She apologizes, she did not mean to ignore you, it's just crazy around here right now. She asks what brings you to the camp. You can reply:
Thief Hunting
Republic business
[Lie] I'm a doctor

Tell her that you are a doctor. You make up a story of how you work as a Republic doctor up in Fort Garnik, and you have an unexpected shortage of medicine. She tells you that you don't look much like a doctor and asks to see some credentials.  You can say:
Of course
I'm a Republic Soldier
I'll be honest with you

Choose the first option and buy some time, telling her that you know you have the credentials somewhere...  But she says nevermind, she knows the REAL reason you are here. The sleeping guard sent you. She admits taking the medicine.  It's no use trying to cover it up. She took the supplies to help the refugees. More and more of them are dying everyday and the Republic won't help.  So when she saw the guard sleeping, she helped herself, but then the separatists took the medicine from her. Now the Separatists have it. She offers you a deal. You agree to bring the supplies to her so she can give them to the refugees, and she will tell you which way the separatists went. Unless, of course, you'd rather the separatists keep the medicine.

You can answer:
You wouldn't
What's in it for me
Don't make this hard.

Choose the first option, tell her she is bluffing.  She insists that she is serious, this isn't a game.  She is tired of being bullies because she doesn't carry a gun. If the war doesn't drive people out of their homes, the soldiers come and extort money out of them.  Sometimes, someone's driven out only to be robbed, "taxed", on the way here. But they won't suffer for lack of medicine, not if she can help it.

Choose your side:
Okay, you win (LIGHT)
No deal [Threaten the child] (DARK)

If you choose the first option, you get 50 light points. Yael apologizes for the guilt trip, but hopes you realize you are doing the right thing. Ryso here, at least, will be grateful.

If you choose the second option, you tell her that if she does not tell you where the medicine is, you will kill Ryso. This nets you 100 dark points. She accuses you of being a butcher.

She tells you how the Separatists fled to Talloran village. She asks  that you hurry, there are people here in critical condition. Tell her you will be right back.

Open the mission log to see the update:

Sergeant Hurd discovered that medicine has been stolen from Fort Garnik's stock. A Cathar named Yael admitted to stealing the medicine to help the refugees, but she claims the separatists then stole the supplies from her. Recover the medicine from the separatist commandos near Talloran Village.

Your taks is to loot 2 stolen medicines.  Go near the Talloran Village and kill Separatists Commandos there until two of them drop the stolen medicine. Your task now is to return to either Yael or Sergeant Hurd. Returning to Yael will help the sick refugees outside Fort Garnik who are in desperate need of the medicine. Returning to Sergeant Hurd, on the other hand, could save Republic lives.

Choose who to return the medicine to. If you return it to Yael, she is very happy. Give her the medicine and get 50 light points. She says this is going to make a huge difference. It's nice to find someone with a good heart on Ord Mantell.  She was starting to lose faith that there were any good people left.

If you return the medicine to Sergeant Hurd, he tells you how one of the boys has gone into shock, he won't last much longer. Give him the medicine for 50 dark points. He calls the medical bay to pick it up ASAP.  He congratulates you on the good job, you saved a lot of lives today.

This concludes the mission, Mercy.