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SWTOR Walkthrough - Lost Pilgrim - Tython

Talk to Tazonthe Ghon, located in the Kalikori Village on Tython, Northwest of the mailbox, to begin this mission. This is a level 4 quest.

Tazonthe Ghon: You're too late, Jedi. Like all the other times. The Flesh Raiders already came. They already took their victims.  His father knew these mountains. He helped guide the patrols when he could. But when the Flesh Raiders appeared, he never made it home.  He wasn't young, but he deserves better than to be ripped apart. Show compassion, Jedi. Find him, and kill any raiders who'd stop you.

You can reply with:
Whatever I can do to help
Is this Jedi business?
It's your battle, not mine.

If you tell him you are not sure whether the Jedi should intervene here,  he tells you that while you are thinking, he will listen to the echoes of his father's screams. If you find him, if he's hurt or confused, you'll know him by his golden promise ring. He wouldn't part with it, not until death.

Open your mission log:

Lost Pilgrim
Tazonthe Ghon, a Twi'lek Pilgrim living in Kalikori village, has told you that one of his people's patrols were attacked by the Flesh Raiders. His father was one of his scouts who did not return. Tazorthe wants you to find out what's happened to his father. Search the caves near Kalikori for any sign of his fate. If you find any sign of Tazonthe's father, return to Kalikori village and inform Tazonthe of what's happened.

Lost Pilgrim SWTOR

Your task iis to find Tazonthe Ghon's father. Follow the road out of the Kalikori Village towards the Southwest. On the side of the road, find a skeleton holding a datapad. Interact with the datapad to find out what happened to Tazonthe's dad:

Pronth Ghon: They've found me. Oh, Matriarch, forgive me... The Flesh Raiders are here. I can't fight them - the patrol is too far away - I can't... Goodbye my son. My Matriarch. Goodbye.

Now that you have learned the fate of Tazonthe's father, return to the Kalikori village. Tell Tazonthe his father is laid to rest. You tell him that his father is in peace now and that you brought him his ring. Tazonthe is furious. He wants you to tell him that you cut the Flesh Raiders into pieces for what they did.

Here is your chance to get either some light or some dark points:
It wasn't about revenge (LIGHT)
They're all dead (DARK)

Depending on which option you chose, you get either 50 light or 50 dark points. Claim your reward. This completes the mission, Lost Pilgrim.