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SWTOR Walkthrough - Subtle Sabotage - Hutta

Speak with the small figure, named Rudd, in the main bar area of Nem'ro's palace to begin this mission. This is a level 6 quest.

You ask him if he was trying to get your attention.  Rudd tells you that he was. You do many great things for Nem'ro the Meritorious. Now everyone wants your attention. Nem'ro's engineering corps works long hours. Many days. Finds way to introduce random variances in hated Fa'athra automated factories. All is here on datapad.  You can say:
You're talking about sabotage
Who gets the information
Let's talk credits.

Choose the second option to ask him who will be getting this information.  You assume he needs the datapad safely delivered somewhere.  Rudd tells you that you are very perceptive, Nem'ro hires good talent.  The datapad goes into the hands of Peblak in worker's camp outside Rust Yards. Datapad is encrypted so that only he can read it. Peblak will pay you a reward for the delivery of this Datapad.  You can say:
Sure, the sooner the better.
I'll see this Peblak
No deliveries [Refuse quest]

If you do not feel like doing this quest, choose the third option. However this is a very easy quest and is most likely in the same zone as your other quests, so choose one of the first two options to accept this mission.  Rudd tells you that you will easily recognize Peblak, as he is the ugliest Ugnaught on Hutta.

SWTOR Subtle Sabotage

Open the mission log:

Subtle Sabotage
You met Rudd in Nem'ro's palace, who has revealed that Nem'ro's engineers have figured out a way to disrupt Faathra's automated factories. Rudd has asked you to discreetly deliver a datapad with this information to his counterpart, Peblak. You can find Peblak in the worker's camp outside of the Rust Yards.

Your task is to deliver the datapad to Peblak. Travel to the camp near the Rust Yards and speak with Peblak. Tell him you have a datapad for him. Peblak says it is good you delivered the datapad personally as he cannot trust holotransmissions. Fa'athra spies on everything. He gives you your reward, which includes credits and experience.

This completes the quest, Subtle Sabotage.