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Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Part 14: Chimera to Ward off Evil

Walk to the right of the door by the pink flowers to find a hidden photo opportunity. Take a picture of the statue. Then go to the back of the area to find a discolored grey wall that you can push down with the help of Chase. Head through the opening that this creatures and go all the way to the right and through the doorway on your left. Cimb down the handholds to find another photo spot. Here, take a picture of the smashed wooden frame splayed out across the ground. Climb back up the handholds and head back to the starting point, where the light filters through the door.

This time, head to the left instead of the right. This will trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene, boost Chase up to the handholds and climb up the ladder that will fall down after her. Once you reach the top of the area, another cutscene will play. You will have to get across to the other side somehow. Before attempting that, however, proceed straight across to the other side of the area, next to the hollowed out graves carved into the wall. You will see a series of grey handholds on the wall in front of you. Turn to the right to find a tiny crevice that you can squeeze through. Go through to the other side to find a treasure, then come back out. Climb up the grey handholds on the wall. Head left and up to find another treasure, and then go back to Chase. From her, jump straight across to the yellow beam on the column.

Climb up to the top, and then jump over to the other side. Loop around and open the door for Chase using the touch screen. With Chase in tow, shimmy across the ledge behind you to initiate a cutscene. Drake and Chase will examine the two strange Chimera statues. Chase will figure out that you can pull down their heads as a sort of lever. Jump onto the nose ring on the second Chimera and hang on to open up a secret passage. Run through the door and take cover. Grab the sniper rifle from behind the chest-high wall. Somehow, a large group of enemies has gotten into the tomb ahead of you.

Enemies will be perched on practically every platform in this large room, so when you pop up to take your shots, do so carefully as you will attract a hail of gunfire. Several more thugs will climb down a rope in the center of the area to the lower floor. Use your pistol on those who climb down the rope, then snipe the others. There will be two on the platform across from you, as well as two on the upper left platform. Various others will poke their heads out below you as well. Once you have mopped up all of the resistance, jump over the wall where it begins and climb over it to the other side. Climb the handholds down to the bottom floor and another cutscene will begin.

A strange door bars your progress further into the tomb. It will be adorned with seven Chimera heads and seven dials beneath them, each with varying symbols on them. Three of the Chimera rest in the front of the courtyard. The rest are scattered about the four corners of the area, with one resting in the north, one in the south, one to the east, and one in the west. Chase will briefly flash a map at you indicating the locations of each Chimera, but it’s really not that useful as you can’t bring it up manually to examine it. Gentleman that he is, Drake will volunteer to find the four difficult statues and make charcoal rubbings of their symbols while Chase works on making charcoal rubbings of the three in the central courtyard.

For the first rubbing, go into the catacombs to the left of Chase. Run all of the way to the back, following the path as it curves back and forth. Jump over the low wall and keep going. Climb the small handholds in the back of this little corner and jump behind you to the other side for a treasure. Proceed out of this small area to the crossroads in the catacombs and head to the right to find a spiraling outdoor path. Climb up the handholds and around the cliff face to reach a large dragon Chimera. Make a rubbing of it and climb down the handholds on the cliff to reach Chase again. Head back into the same catacombs to find a second Chimera.

This one is in the room with the tub. Turn to the right and head back down the path, which will loop around in the opposite direction that you were walking in before. Jump over the low wall when you come to it and head right. You will reach a four-way intersection. There is nothing to the right and nothing ahead, though so head left. This path will lead you to a small square room with a Chimera in the middle. Make a rubbing of the symbol and head the way you came to escape the catacombs.

From Chase, head diagonally back and to the right. You will reach a downwards-sloping broken wall. Climb the lowest part of the wall, all the way to the back. Run to the back of this little courtyard and climb up the yellow handholds on the wall. Run forward into a second series of catacombs. Keep going forward until you reach an offshoot to the right. The path continues forwards as well, but there is nothing down that branch of the path, so head into the circular area to the right and jump onto the wall. Circle around the inside of the column, slowly heading upwards as you do. When you reach the top, turn to the left and head all the way down to find a third Chimera. Do the rubbing and turn around.

Run straight to escape the catacombs and come back into the sunlight. Jump over to the top of the broken wall on the right. Climb over the wall and use the yellow handholds to the left to move upwards. Use the beams like monkey bars, jumping across when necessary, to reach the upper cliff wall. Climb over the protruding rocks towards the right to reach a platform with the final Chimera on it. Do the rubbing and climb back to the broken wall. Use the grey handholds below you to get back to the ground.

Approach Chase and you will find that she has completed her rubbings as well. She will ask you to meet her at the door, so head on over. A cutscene will play and you will have to arrange all of the icons on the door in their proper order. Refer to your journal, which will explicitly lay out the answer for you, and use the touch screen to rotate each dial into place. Run through the door when it opens. It will shut behind you. You will be met with two paths, both of which lead to the same place, so choose a direction and keep going forward and down the stairs. You will find another wall that you can break through at the bottom. Use the touch screen to smash down the wall, initiating a cutscene and ending the chapter.