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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 12 – Ysa Sidequests

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 12 – Ysa Sidequests

Head into Ysa itself. Head southeast from the central plaza to the one south of the Font. There you will find Squire Brio will give you the side quest, “Oh, the Indignitaries”. If you head into the northern part of the Gardens you will find Brit Codgan behind an empty stall. Talk with him for the quest, “Status Symbol”.

When you make it to the Trellis, along the bridge you will find Nomeron who will give you the quest, “One Drop”. If you head into the Ballads Sanctuary up there nearby the entrance you will find the Echostone with the Curestone right by it. Use the Curestone to start the Echostone sidequests.

Head into the Embassy in the Gardens and talk with Mythany Keen. She will offer you a quest but only if you meet her at night in the worship circle. This gives you the quest, “Uprising”. This can be resolved one of two ways so choose well. After that, head to Asker's Alley where you will meet Gertern Asker. He will give you the quest, “What Ales You”.

Finally, head into the Scholia Arcana Embassy. Talk with Adept Jorun Quintis. He will give you the quest, “Order of Operations”. Also talk with Docent Augra Tenet in the center for the faction quest, “Trial By Fire”.

Oh, the Indignitaries
There are four lords and ladies scattered throughout the city and Brio has asked you to learn what order they wish to enter into the font. Head south from Brio first to the Hall of Appointments to find the first of the along the western edge of the room. This is Grand Faemage Gorrenet. He will opt to bring up the rear of the procession. After that, you can attempt to persuade him to learn who he feels should lead. That person is the Great Huntress Hartwen.

The next Dignitary is to the northwest of the Hall of Appointments. There you will find Viscount Setter the Allseer. He will want to be behind the Warlord Whenery for personal reasons. After that, you can attempt to persuade out of him the reality of it. He tells you that it is best to have Gorrenet trail far behind the Huntress Hartwen to avoid a conflict.

The third Dignitary is in the Trellis, just north of the Font and northeast of where you found the Allseer. Head to the south of the entrance to the southern end to find the Huntress Hartwen. She admits she must lead. Persuade to get some more details, placing her in front of the Warlord Whenery and Lord Setter.

The fourth Dignitary is in Asker's Alley in the northeastern part of the Gardens. This is Warlord Whenery. She only asks that she is not behind Gorrenet because of his smell.

With that, you have visited with all the Dignitaries. Take some time now to figure out the order and place them appropriately:
1) Great Huntress Hartwen
2) Warlord Whenery
3) Viscount Setter the Allseer
4) Grand Faemage Gorrenet

One Drop
You are tasked with collecting drops from the four sacred pools from around Ysa. From there head to the Water Lock to broaden the flow. Head north from Nomeron to the pool to the west of the Ballads Sanctuary. This is the first of the four pools.

Head down the stairs to the Gardens. Head west from the entrance of the Trellis over to the nearby pool. Use the Urn to collect the waters you need from there. Next head along the eastern edge of the central area to find the next urn. The final urn is up in the Font. You will find just behind the fountain on the southwestern side of it. Now you can head to the Water Lock.

The Water Lock is in the Lyceum Grove in the southeastern part of the Gardens. Head there and to the northeastern portion of the Grove. There you will find the Water Lock. Press it then head back to the Trellis and talk with Nomeron to finish the quest.

The Curestone
Through the Echostone in the Ballads Sancutary on the Trellis, you can relive ballads of past heroes. The Curestone is the first available quest for the Echostone as it is right next to it!

You need to plant 8 reagents all across the face of Amalur. It is easy enbough to pant a few of them while others may take you some time to find.

What Ales You
Asker will ask you to head to the Lyceum Grove to talk with the Apothecary Jakasen for their special brew that they are going to start making. Approach Jakasen in the Grove and he will agree to tell you where to find Bristletongue but he will ask you to drink a potion of his own brewing. Asker said not to but it is payment for the knowledge. It is your choice here. Drink it and you will awaken insider Asker's Alley. You get a brief explanation of what has happened to your character. It is explained that the Bristletongue is found in the higher areas of the Font.

Head up to the Font. Inside there, go east. You will find some Bristletongue none too far from the entrance. Collect it and return to Asker's Alley to give it to Asker. This will get you a discount with all the merchants in the Gardens of Ysa!

The Uprising
From meeting Keen in the Embassy, head to the Worship Circle, the one place in Ysa with numerous shrines to the Gods. You will find Keen again who better explains things. She wants you to steal the daggers of the Varani Ambassador Brenner. She is either found in the Embassy, during the day, or on Memory Lane at night. Still, it is best done at night while she walks Memory Lane.

Kill Brenner
Approach her only on the part of the path that is devoid of others. While she is in this section, turn off the safety and lay into her. She will go down after a few hits. Loot her body to secure the daggers. Now take them to the Merchants Delegation. Use the blacksmith forge to break them apart then report back to Keen to finish the quest.

Order of Operations
While this one starts in Ysa, it is completed in Sidhe. Just head straight out of the Gardens of Ysa, into the Sidhe and stay on the path to find the first initiate. Now head northwest toward Arduath, as south of that you will find the second initiate's remains. Next head south toward Rundamir to find the remains of the final initiate. Return to Scholia Arcana and talk with Adept Jorum Quintis. He will ask you what happened: Cassera organized the theft, Bertan was murdered and Aloren thought he could hide in Canneroc but beasts got him first.

Trial By Fire
Head out into the Gardens and then to the east to reach the nearby Delving Hall. Use the key and head on in. Now head down the stairs and through the northern door. Follow the corridor into the chamber beyond. At the end, in the large room, you will find Aethan Engar who you want to talk to. Do so and then head into the center of the circle.

Once the trial has begun you will face a number of Faer Gorta. Once they are defeated, head into the hallway in front of you. Once you reach the flooded room you will encounter five more Faer Gorta. Continue to the west now. You will find the entrance into the deeper region of the trial. This completes the first phase of the trial.

You are in a cave now. Head forward, toward the waterfall. On the other side you will face a pair of Tuatha Raiders. Kill them then head down the slope to the south. Cross over the bridge to fight another pair of Tuatha.

After you defeat them, you will need to cross another bridge. There you will find a large squad of Tuatha waiting for you. There are six waiting to try and kill you. Defeat them with the aid of the Sorceress. She can be persauded to reveal her identity. After that conversation you begin a new phase of the trial.

You need to talk with Aethan Engar now. Do so to complete the quest.