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Gotham City Impostors Walkthrough Part 6 – Gotham Power Basic Challenges

Gotham City Impostors Walkthrough Part 6 – Gotham Power Basic Challenges

Gold ranking is worth 60 Exp. Silver is worth 30 Exp. Bronze is worth 10 Exp.
Intermediate Challenges are unlocked once a gold medal is earned.

Grapple 1: Gold – 0:10, Silver – 0:15, Bronze – 0:22
Aim just above the first marker and fire to get it. Now turn right mid-grapple and look above the water tower. You will see a pipe above that you need to grapple onto. As you reel in, look down to spot the second marker so you can drop to it. Turn to the left as you  fall and aim just above the third marker to grapple over to it complete the challenge.

Glider 1: Gold – 0:11, Silver – 0:16, Bronze – 0:24
Dash forward, bouncing up on the trampoline. Deploy the Glider Rig, ride the vent up, and turn to the right to get the first marker. Continue forward a moment then go to the left to find the second. Collect it, hit the next vent then power dive the final marker to make the gold.

Skate 1: Gold – 0:14, Silver – 0:18, Bronze – 0:23
Sprint forward, turning to the left and launching off the ramp into the first marker. As soon as you grab it, start turning to the right. Skate sprint around the wire bundles to grab the second marker. As you return to the main alley, turn right and hit the ramp there. You will launch from it and hit the third marker with moments to spare.

Spring 1: Gold – 0:09, Silver – 0:15, Bronze – 0:25
Dash forward to the left and launch your charged jump at the first marker that is mid-air. As you land, start sprinting for the ledge of the overhang. As you near the edge, launch yourself forward to make it easily to the second marker. Again, you will want to sprint, briefly, as you turn to the right and launch yourself over to the final marker.

Insole 1: Gold – 0:14, Silver – 0:20, Bronze – 0:27
Start dashing forward to the left through the door. Jump the fence, angled to the left, so you land with a clean dash to the trampoline that is on the left of the fence. This will launch you up and into the first marker. Dash slightly to the right and double jump to grab the second marker. Turn to the right as you land, jump up to the next ledge, dashing the next room, and double jump to collect the final marker.