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Poptropica Walkthrough - Cryptids Island Part 4: The Real Nessie

Return to the Mews Mansion after taking the photo of the Loch Ness Monster. Show the photo to Mews in the lab room. He says it looks like you were tricked, those are just truck tires. He tells you not to give up, it looks like there is something else in that photo and we need a close-up for proof. Go back to the helicopter and fly to Loch Ness again. Talk to the man on the boat who will ask you if you are back for another ride. You tell him that no way, he tricked you by leading you to a bunch of old truck tires. He tells you that he did not mean any harm, he was just trying to earn a shilling. You tell him that tricking tourists isn't nice and that you wonder what the local police would have to say about this. This scares him and he runs away saying he needs a vacation.

Go back to the pub. Ask the guy there if he really saw Nessie when he was younger. He says that when he was a lad, he saw the beastie, as clear as he is looking at you. He was Scuba Diving at the Loch, near Cherry Island. You learn that his friend has a submarine ticket. You ask for the submarine ticket, and are challenged to another game of darts. Win the game, and you will receive:

Submarine Ticket
Admit one

Exit the tavern, and go left towards the docks. There will be a red sub there. Use your sub ticket, and you will begin your trip under water. The Sub has a spotlight. You eventually reach what looks like the Loch Ness Monster. It is a big green creature. Take a photo of it with the Rugged Camera, then go back to the pub to show the guys. But they show you a newspaper clip on the wall, which reports a story in which a movie prop sank to the bottom of the Loch while filming a Sherlock Holmes movie. The prop looks just like the photo you took. They feel sorry for you and give you:

Peregrine-Feathered Darts
A Solid Dart

The guy whom you played darts with in the previous chapter challenges you to another dart game, says it will be worth your while. Accept his challenge, win the game. But he thinks you cheated and does not give you any prize. The Bartender sees this and feels that you deserve a price, and he gives you a pennywhistle. His old pop says that if you blow it, then Nessie will appear.  You receive:

Penny Whistle
Music to Nessie's ears

Go back to the Loch and take the boat and go left. Blow the whistle. You will see something in the water. It's Nessie! Take a photo. You will now have a photo of the REAL Loch Ness Monster. Take the Helicopter back to Mews Mansion and show the photo to Mews. He will tell you that your photo is the best photo of Nessie he has ever seen. You've confirmed Nessie's existence. One of the stations will now change status from UNCONFIRMED to CONFIRMED. Exit the mansion and go back to the helicopter.