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The Darkness 2: Vendettas Walkthrough Part 5 – Forced Entry, Sins of the Brothers

The Darkness 2: Vendettas Walkthrough Part 5 – Forced Entry, Sins of the Brothers

Head forward and to the right you will find a Talent Shrine. Use it for any important upgrades. After that, head to the left and down the side of the metro tracks. On the first platform you will encounter four Gunmen. Kill them and head on down the train tracks on the same side. You will see a doorway to the right of the stairs which you will want to go through.

On the other side of the doorway is Dolfo. He will complain about the trains but there is more that is about to happen. Four more of the Brotherhood will attack you. There are two Gunmen, One Light and One Dark Shield. Deal with them quickly before they can do anything to Dolfo. After that, continue back toward the opposite end of the station.

Once there you will be attacked by five gunmen on the platform. Deal with them and go up the stairs. Deal with the lights that are there and the two gunmen up top. Turn right and you will be facing down a few more with a Chain Brother as backup. Blast them all up good then head down the corridor to the left. Two more gunmen are waiting there for you underneath the light. Head down that passage after dealing with them to reach a landing with four more gunmen. Kill them all and head to the right. There you will find a pair of Brothers, one with a Demon Shield and one Gunman. Destroy the shield and try to get the gunman while you are at it. After that, kill the man behind the shield. Head to the end of the corridor and go left, up the stairs. As you head up, feel free to take out the lights above you. Some are protected though so do not worry about any as you approach street level.

Once you are back on the street, head forward on the left-side to avoid the light. Now head across the street, away from all the lights to the bank itself. Dolfo will start picking the lock. The Darkness will speak to you then Commandos come at you. There are about four total in the first wave. Kill them as quickly as you can and keep all the fire you can on you. After that, a second wave of the Brotherhood will come at you. This one has two more commandos and a few brawlers as well. Use your powers to make this easier to handle and just tear into them as quickly as you can. After you deal with them Dolfo will finish rigging the explosives. Put a pillar between you and it or most of the entry plaza to avoid dying. Survive the blast and mission is complete.

Sins of the Brothers
Move forward and hit the Talent Shrine for any upgrades you can get. Once you do, aim behind you and above to take out the light that is right there, blinding you. Now go up the stairs and to the right.

At the top of the stairs the firefight begins and a massive one it is. There are six Gunmen shooting at you initially as you approach the top of the stairs. Wipe them out to trigger a much more massive second wave. This one has a number of Brawlers and more durable Brotherhood members. Keep on guard for the Demon Shield, all the Brawlers and the few Commandos.

Once you take care of them, head behind the teller's stands and into the back of the bank. You will arrive at the vault room quickly. Now, go to the right and interact with the console there to open up the vault door. Move to either side immediately to avoid getting bathed in light as the vault opens and more the Brotherhood comes at you. The initial wave are all gunmen, the second is a mix of gunmen and commandos. Keep to the sides of the vault to stay in the shadows. None of the lights inside it can be taken out so it is something trickier to deal with.

After all of them are dead, the back door of the vault will open. Now go to back wall of the vault you are in and plant the explosives there when prompted. Head up the stairs on the other side of the new “door” and to the elevator on the right. Take it up and it is time to face down whoever is up there.

Exit the elevator and head to the left. Inside this room you will be facing down more of the Brotherhood. The initial wave is mostly gunmen with a few brawlers thrown in. The second wave is more intense with numerous gunmen on the balconies above shooting down at you. There is also a Commando in the mix as well. Get up stairs and start dealing with the gunmen up there. The third wave has more Commandos and some Chain Brothers as well and one Demon Shield. Once they are all dead, head for the newly opened doors on the second level of this floor. Once through them you will face down Graves who uses the Spear of Destiny to imbue himself with a massive amount of Dark Energy. After the white fades out, and your character has picked themselves up, it is time to fight the Hellbeast.

The Hellbeast
This fight is much easier with friends you can coordinate with. It will start with blast of dark energy. These can be avoided by hiding behind a pillar then ducking out to shoot at its light. After you get some damage in on it, it will start summoning hellspawn (which you can kill for health and boosts). Keep this up to avoid the worst of the damage that the Hellbeast can dish out.

When it gets to half health, it will start sending out explosive darklings. You know these are coming when the Hellbeast unleashes a blast of Red energy instead of the usual purple. Destroy these at a distance to stop them from exploding on you.

As it get lower on health, it will start to flap its wings occasionally, pushing you back as its Hellspawn close on you. Take whatever shots you can.

Once it goes down, that is it for the Vendettas missions!