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The Darkness 2: Vendettas Talent Trees Part 5 – JP Dumond

The Darkness 2 Vendetta Talent Trees Part 5 – JP Dumond

Black Holes
Black Hole: 0 Essence (You start with it)
Press “Y/Triangle” to create a vortex of death.

Infinite Darkness: 750 Essence
Extends the duration of the Black Hole.

Murderous Black Hole: 1500 Essence (Requires Infinite Darkness)
Black Hole can suck in more enemies for the kill.

Caustic Black Hole: 500 Essence
Increases the size of the Black Hole.

Soul-Destroying Black Hole: 1,000 Essence (Requires Caustic Black Hole)
Further increases the size of the Black Hole.

Dark Aura: 200 Essence
Nearby darkness users get slightly higher maximum health.

Dark Endurance Aura: 400 Essence
Players standing close to JP Dumond receive damage resistance.

Demonic Endurance Aura: 800 Essence (Requires Dark Endurance Aura)
Players standing close to JP Dumond receive improved damage resistance.

Life Giver: 800 Essence
Perform Revivals faster.

Midnight Stick's Gift: 1600 Essence (Requires Life Giver)
Gives short-lived invincibility after destroying a heart.

Midnight Stick Master: 600 Essence
Adds a knockdown impulse around enemies fired upon with the Midnight Stick.

Midnight Stick's Power: 1,200 Essence (Requires Midnight Stick Master)
Any Midnight Stick kills or hearts destroyed byt it shorten the cooldown on JP Drumond's Black Hole power.

Infidel Darkness Mod: 300 Essence
All Pistols and SMGs have an extended clip with in the dark.

Warlord Darkness Mod: 600 Essence
All Rifles and Shotguns have an extended clip in the dark.

Active Pump: 600 Essence
Press “LT/L2” immediately after firing a shotgun for a rapid pump action that lessens the spread of the next shot.