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SSX Walkthrough Part 4: Wrecking Crew: Race It

This event serves as training for the Deadly Descent in the Rockies. You will need armor to have any chance of surviving in this race against Elise, Kaori, and Alex. You’ll be racing to the bottom of the mountain as usual, but with the added element of survival thrown in for good measure. Avoid bouncing off of trees and rocks to pass this event without dying. Enter the equipment store and check to see if there is any armor superior to that which you already own. After decking out your character, begin the run.

Grab the flare immediately in front you the starting lane as the race begins, and head into the pass ahead. Go towards the center, under a fallen tree, and follow the breadcrumb trail of shining flares around the curve and out of the confined pass. Boost down the short straightaway to the left-hand curve. You should veer towards either the left or right side here to avoid a small thicket of trees in the center of the path. Daring riders can go right through the tiny gap between the trees to maintain forward momentum, but this is as much luck as skill. Remember, rewinding during a race even does not rewind your opponents as well; they will maintain their forward momentum even as you go in reverse.

After avoiding the thicket, return to the center of the path and follow the flares. Jump over two trees in a row. The second sits on the edge of a cliff, so preload your jump to get big air off of the jump. Use this air to enter Tricky. Follow the flares as the path curves around to the right, then away to the left. Boost down the short straightaway and curve to the right. This will lead you to a longer straightaway. Boost down it and avoid the log in the center; grinding would just be a waste of time when you could be carving and boosting forward.

Follow the flares to enter an enclosed cavernous area. Preload a jump as you exit the cavern to launch off of the ledge and get big points. Follow the path as it straightens out. Boost, but watch out for the fallen log that will be coming up. A second log will follow soon after. Stay to the left as you jump it or you’ll end up ricocheting through a thicket of trees on the right. A jump shortly after will lead to some good air time. After you land, go over two more fallen trees and off of another jump. Two more trees will await you as you land.

Here, the path will be broken up by a series of small hills. Stay to the left, right, or center to find narrow paths through the hills. Your momentum will be utterly killed if you manage to run directly into one of the hills, so watch out. Follow the flares down the curving path. Take the jump to the left if you need more Tricky, otherwise avoid it to keep up your momentum. Follow the flares down and they will lead you down a curving path. You’ll have to curve left, right, left, and right again to keep up with it. After the fourth turn, watch out for another fallen log. Otherwise, feel free to boost down this relatively painless path. After the log, there will be one more big jump. Stay to the center to grab a collectible, then finish out the race.