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Mass Effect 3 Tips and Hints

Mass Effect 3 shows some good hints and tips while loading the game; However, for may with powerful systems, the game loads before you have had the chance to read the hint. So we have gathered the most helpful hints for your convenience:

Shepard's current health bar will regenerate, but already-depleted segments can only be restored by using First Aid from the Power Wheel.

Carrying too many weapons will increase cooldown, effectively slowing down how often you can use powers.

The Widow, Black Widow, and Javelin weapons can fire through enemies and light cover. Mod other weapons, like the Mattock and Claymore, to apply this devastating effect.

Heavy Melee is an effective attack against unarmored or unshielded enemies

Use the First Aid power to resuscitate a fallen squadmate from a distance. This consumes medi-gel. Move to your comrade to resuscitate them without using medi-gel.

Use hard-hitting weapons against armored opponents. Incendiary and armor-piercing ammo also help.

When a Ravager's sac breaks, Swarmers are released. Swarmers are weak, but a group of them can kill or keep shields from regenerating.

Cannibals form armored plating by reclaiming fallen Cannibals and Husks. Shooting these plates deal no damage to the Cannibal until they are blown off

Weapons have thermal clips to prevent overheating. Clips use a universal design, so retrieve compatible clips from combat areas and fallen enemies.

Geth rely heavily on their shields and are therefore vulnerable to Overload, Shield Drain, Sabotage, and Disruptor Ammo.

The last two power upgrades in a tree are passive skills that improve combat, weight capacity, and Paragon and Renegade bonuses.

Weapons are more accurate when fired from cover.

Pick off engineers before they set up armored turrets or repair a damaged Atlas

Powerful weapons recoil and are difficult to aim. Fire from cover and apply certain mods to steady your hand.

Target Cerberus generators with Overload or Sabotage to cripple their defenses. If you take a Cerberus position, repair the shields to use them yourself.

Powerful weapons tend to have decreased thermal-clip capacities. Mod your weapon to improve its efficiency

Test out your weapons on the Citadel's firing range, located by the Spectre offices.

Target your weapons on the Citadel's firing range, located by the Spectre offices.

Spent thermal clips are ejected to cool weapons. Run out of clips, and you can't fire.

Reaper troops protect themselves by deploying Barrier Generators called Barrier Engines. Target these first.

It's good practice to equip one slow, heavy weapon and one rapid-firing weapon to deal with different defenses.

The Atlas is a hulking death machine with powerful armor, shields and weapons. Shatter the canopy to expose the pilot.

Don't let a Brute get close! Brutes are vicious opponents that can instantly kill you

Squadmates do more damage when ordered to attack a specific target

Use rapid-fire weapons and Disruptor Ammo to bring down shields and barriers. Stop shields from regenerating by decimating them with Overload, Shield Drain, or Disruptor Ammo.

Geth Primes are command-and-control units that can pulverize their enemies with pulse cannons, missile drones, and gun turrets

Watch out for opponents on higher ground! Elevated enemies can shoot you even in cover

A cloaked Geth Hunter moves through the field virtually undetected, allowing them to flank with powerful plasma-shotguns. Take out their shields to disable their cloaking ability.

Stop a Banshee when she becomes charged by damaging her while she uses biotic jumps to close in

Cerberus uses mobile defenses. Find and destroy the portable generators that power the shield pylons and cover nodes.

Keep firing and unleashing powers to prevent enemy shields from regenerating

Cryo Combos: Trigger these by combining a freeze effect with a lethal detonator, such as freezing an enemy with Cryo Ammo before finishing them off with Biotic Charge. Cryo combos freeze undefended enemies and will chill the rest.

Guardian shield blocks powers, shots and melee. To kill a Guardian, stagger them with Throw or Concussive Shot or use Pull to tear away their shields. Flanking them also works.

Power Combos require a source power and a detonator power. Source powers generally have a lasting effect on an enemy (Pull, Cryo Blast, Reave etc.). Detonator powers generally deal high damage or force (Carnage, Incinerate, Warp, etc.). Most powers can be a source, a detonator, or both, so explore the many combinations. Power combos come in four types.

Marauders buff Husks and Cannibals by giving them armored plating. Take out the Marauder first.

Flame Combos: Trigger these by combining a flame effect with a lethal detonator, such as igniting an enemy with incinerate before finishing them off with Carnage. Flame combos result in bonus damage to armor and a chance to light undefended enemies on fire.

Destroy a Phantom's sword to remove its melee abilities. Phantoms are agile combatants, so keep pressure on them.

Choosing the right squad to complement Shepard's strengths and weaknesses is key. Experiment with squad configurations

Geth Pyros have flamethrowers that burn enemies at close range. Target their fuel tanks and use Overload and Sabotage

The Nemesis is a nimble opponent armed with a powerful sniper rifle. Take cover when you spot red laser sights honing in on your position.

Biotic Combos: Trigger these by combining more than one biotic effect, such as lifting an enemy with Pull before striking them with Warp. Biotic combos result in an explosion that blasts not just the target, but also the area around the target.

Centurions deploy smoke screens to conceal their movement. See through this by equipping a sniper rifle with certain scope mods.

Use combat rolls to get quickly in and out of cover

Headshots inflict superior damage on most targets

Electric Combos: Trigger these by combining an electrical effect with a detonator, such as electrocuting an enemy with Overload before striking them with Concussive Shot. Electric combos result in bonus damage to shields and a chance to stun undefended enemies.

Shields and barriers protect against health damage. Shields appear as blue, and barriers are purple.