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Mass Effect 3 Options Menu (PC)

Gameplay: Adjust difficulty and other gameplay settings.

Combat Difficulty
Narrative: This difficulty level is intended for players who are more interested in story then combat. Shepard and squadmates are stronger, weapons are easier to handle, and enemies are weaker and less agressive. This is a nonrepresentative Mass Effect 3 combat experience.
Casual: This difficulty level is intended for players inexperience with shooters. Shepard is stronger and does more damage, weapons are easier to handle, and enemies are slightly weaker and less aggressive.
Normal: This difficulty level is intended for players with experience playing shooters and RPGs. This is the baseline Mass Effect 3 combat experience.
Hardcore: This difficulty level is intended for players looking for a challenge. Enemies are powerful and aggressive. Advanced gameplay skills required.
Insanity: This difficulty is intended for players seeking the ultimate challenge. Enemies are tenacious, react quickly, have heavily upgraded weapons, and use their power mercilessly.

Auto Level-Up
Off: Powers must be manually activated and evolved in the Mission Computer's Squad screen each time Shepard or a squadmate gains a level and earns points.
Squad Only: Powers are automatically activated and evolved for squadmates as they gain levels and earn points. Shepard's powers must be manually assigned in the Mission Computer's Squad screen.
Squad & Player: Powers are automatically activated and evolved for Shepard and squadmates as the gain levels and earn points.

Squadmate Power Use: Turning this on allows squadmates to automatically use their most effective powers in combat. When off, squadmates use only defensive and ammo powers automatically.

Autosave: Turn this on to automatically save the game at set intervals. Autosaves always overwrite the same autosave file.

Hints: Turn this on to display in-game instructions and directions.

Action Icons: Turn this on to display indicators when an action like exiting cover is possible.

Narrative: Adjust subtitles and other narrative settings

Conversation Mode
No Decisions: All conversations play automatically. Responses are  chosen for you.
Full Decisions: All conversations require participation. No choices are made for you.

Subtitles: Turn on subtitles if you wish to read dialog text while conversations play.

Shepard's Helmet
Default: See Shepard's equipped helmet in most circumstances
Off in Conversations: Remove Shepard's equipped helmet in most conversations.

Squadmate Helmets
Default Off: Remove a squadmate's equipped helmet in most circumstances
Default On: Show a squadmate's equipped helmet in most circumstances
Off in conversations: Remove a squadmate's equipped helmet in most conversations.

Key Bindings: View, change or reset keyboard bindings.
Change primary and secondary keys for: Move Forward, Move Backward, Strafe Left, Strafe Right, Walk, Use/Cover/Storm, Navigational Assisance, Cover Turn, Quick Save, Quick Load, Shoot, Aim, Reload, Melee, Swap Weapon, Next Weapon, Previous Weapon, Command HUD (HOLD), Order Rally, Order Squadmates to Move/Attack, Order Attack, Quick Slots, Vouce Chat (HOLD), Prolong Life, Exit Atlas, Exit Mounted Gun

Mouse: Adjust input options

Invert Mouse: Turn this on to invert the y-axis of your mouse. While playing, moving your mouse upwards will tilt the camera down and vice-versa

Mouse Dampening: Turn this on for precision camera movement. The slower the mouse is moved, the slower the camera rotates. Fast movements result in fast camera rotations.

Mouse Sensitivity: This setting affects the overall speed of the camera rotation in relation to mouse movement. The higher the sensitivity, the more responsive camera rotation becomes.

Graphics:  Adjust Graphics Options

Resolution: Change the game's screen size/resolution

Window Mode: Run the game in a standard window

Brightness: Adjust the game's Brightness. "N" and "7" should both be visible.

Antialiasing: Turn on antialiasing to smooth the edges of in-game graphics

Dynamic Shadows: Turn on dynamic shadows.

Sound: Adjust music, sound effects, and dialog levels

Music Volume: Increase or decrease music volume

Sound Effects Volume: Increase or decrease sound effects volume

Dialog Volume: Increase or decrease dialog volume.

Dynamic Range: Select "High" for high quality sound systems or quite environments. Select "Low" for lower-quality sound systems or noise environments. Dynamic range is the difference in volume between the loudest and quietest sound.

Voice Mode
No Voice: Turns off voice chat in Mass Effect Multiplayer
Always On: While playing Mass Effect Multiplayer, your headset is automatically on. Teammates can hear you at all times.
Push to talk: To talk to your teammates while playing Mass Effect Multiplayer, you must push a butotn.

Force Voice Chat Audio: Always hear voice-chat audio, even when the game is minimized.

Voice Chat Input Device: Select the input device/microphone to be used for voice chat.

Voice Chat Output Device: Select the output device/speaker to be used for voice chat.

Online: Adjust online options

Upload Gameplay Feedback: Turn this on to provide Bioware with valuable feedback on how you play the game. This helps them fix bugs and improve future content.