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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 25 – Enemies in High Places

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 24 – Enemies in High Places

Head to Apotyre and look in the very southern portion to find Templar Jorielle's location. This is the Gnome city of Adessa. When you arrive you encounter Cenner Bruge who takes a census of why you have come to the city. Answer the questions as you would like. As soon as you mention where you are from you are given a place to stay, temporarily. Now head into the city and go to the west to find your stash here. Still, continue to the south and enter into Domus Politica to find your goal.

Once inside, head up to the left. Follow the stairs all the way up to the top and to the right. There you will find Jorielle. She claims to be unable to help you. Now, with that, head down and attempt to leave. You will meet Aide Forreux who bears another response from the Templar that she will give backing if you can make Octienne publicly acknowledge his crimes. Time to head for the Livrarium.

Head to the Isle section of the city. From there it is easy to get to the Livrarium. He is likely in the back and seems rather put out that you are not dead (again). You learn something of your own past, that you worked for Ventrinio and died as his assistant. Talk with him and he will eventually just run away. He will light the area on fire and go up the stairs to the Scaffolding. Follow him up and it is time to fight him.

Templar Octienne
He begins with hovering, launching balls of ice at you. Also keep an eye on the edge of the scaffolding as he has White Palm Mercenaries there to pepper you with arrows or worse. When you reach the first place where the scaffolding widens, get ready for more to join the fight. A trio of Assassins will come at you here in addition to Octienne. Defeat them and Octienne will move on. The path narrows and you will face down  Octienne with two Archers and an Assassin when you see the supports burst to reveal them. When the path widens again, you will face another three assassins. While the battle has few breaks, it is good to use those to heal up. When you get Octienne low on life, you will need to just press on and follow in. Expect a Fate scene where you bat him through a window.

Once you deal with Octienne, head through the window yourself into the Forum. Inside you will encounter Templar Jorielle again. She tells you that Gnomish Society owes you a debt. You can ask for them to help with the War Effort or for Ventrinio. The Gnomes will not take part in the war but they will help with Ventrinio. Either way, you will want to talk with Hugues. He will reveal that Ventrinio is working on an island off Klurikon. With this, you will get the Twist of Fate, “Unraveller”, which gives a 5% experience boost.