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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Factions Walkthrough Part 9 – Warsworn Part 5: The Mountain Prison, Khamazandu's Gift

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Factions Walkthrough Part 9 – Warsworn Part 5: The Mountain Prison, Khamazandu's Gift

It is time to head for Cloudcrest. Head into the Hollowlands and head for the southeastern passage into Menetyre. You will just pass it on the right so keep an eye open for it and Gywn and company. She announces that the group will enter through the path that Besin has carved out.

Once inside, turn to the east and follow the path as it bends to the south. IN the next chamber you will encounter three Cultists. A caster and two fighters. Deal with them appropriately and continue down the path to the south. When the path turns to the west, you will encounter a four more Cultists, one of which is an Archmage.

Head on through, passing through the next chamber into the passageway beyond. When you reach the second clearing on the ledge though you will find a Niskaru Hunter and three more Cultist, all casters. Beyond them you will find a barrier you can pass through to reach the next section, pressing on toward the summit and getting to the first of Khamazandu's Crowns. You need to destroy them but as you attempt this on the first one, a pair of  cultists. Kill them then it is time to focus on the Crowns. Equip the Mystic Hammer and swing at them to remove them from your path. Now head up the path to the west to move closer to the summit.

Continue west to find the next piece of the Crown you need to destroy. Approach it and a Niskaru Hunter will attack. Defeat it then smash the piece of the Crown. On the other side is the same thing, another Niskaru Hunter and a piece of the Crown. The next one has two Hunters and a piece of the crown. The following is the same as well, two Hunters and the Crown Piece. That is the final piece, next you will find the ritual itself.

Approach the circle to engage Besin and his circle of Mages. First you must cut through his four Mages. They pelt you with spells so be ready for it. After that Besin will join the first. The first thing he will do is summon a trio of Bloodhunters. While you can defeat them, he will just summon more but he can only call of a total of six or so to send against you. Once they are all dead, it is easy to just focus on the lone mage and tear him apart. After that you will start talking to Khamazandu. Here you can choose to become his instrument of chaos (opening one final quest but turning all Warsworn against you) or you can deny this request and walk away.

If you choose to side with Khamazandu, you must then fight Gwyn. Kill her and then Khamazandu will tell you to head for the Hall of the Firstsworn and kill everyone there.

If you side with the Warsworn, you meet Gwyn who tells you to head for the Hall of the Firstsworn.

Either way, descend down the mountain. Once back inside, turn to the north and jump down the two ledges. You will face a final collection of Cultists. After that, head outside and travel to the Hall of the Firstsworn.

If you sided with Khamazandu, head straight forward to the forge and prepare for a big fight against the three warsworn leaders and two Oathblades. This is a good melee battle to go through. Once you defeat them all, you are told to take the Vault key from their corpses. Now you need to head to the Vault and collect the Heart of Sibun. Travel there and head inside to the southwestern corner. There you can collect the Heart.
You will get the Twist of Fate, “Forsworn” granting:
+1 to Might abilities, +10% Physical Damage, +5% Fire Damage.

If you stayed true to the Warsworn, just head inside the Hall of the Firstsworn and return to the forge. There the gathered leaders of the Warsworn, you are bestowed the rank “Truesworn”.
This comes with the Twist of Destiny, "Truesworn" granting:
+1 to Might Abilities, +10% Chance to Critical hit vs. Niskaru, +6% Stun Duration.

Either way, you have completed the Faction quests for Warsworn.