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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 7: Rescue the Turian Primarch Part 1

When you have finished all of the side missions, go back to the Normandy and use the Galactic Map to head for the turian moon. When you enter the area around the moon, you will find a small army of Reapers awaiting your approach. The Normandy will fly away from the ships and land on the moon. As you descend to the surface, Shepard will lean out of the side of the ship. You can shoot at the husks on the ground to lessen the number you’ll face on the surface of the moon.

As you land, another wave of the enemies will emerge and begin to attack alongside any remaining husks from your initial descent. Vanguards can simply head towards to guard post and pick off the oncoming enemies with a Shotgun. Other classes may want to hang back a bit and pick off the husks aas they approach. Their melee attacks will temporarily stun you if they connect.

After the enemies have all been killed, speak to the guard in the structure on the ridge. He will direct you to the turian’s main command center. Climb up the ridge and head around the corner ahead. As you approach the turian camp, note that you can look out over certain sections of the cliffside to hear unique dialogue from your companions. Enter the camp and pick up all of the items strewn about the area before speaking with General Corinthus. You will find tons of weapon mods and other such useful items, as detailed below.

Turn to the left as you enter to find a med kit. Now turn around and head directly across the path to uncover a datapad that will give you a few experience points. Towards the center of the camp you will see a series of white crates with mesh over them. A datapad and the M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle sit on top of the crates. Keep following the path down through the camp. Look to the left to find an empty guard house. Climb inside to find another med kid and another datapad, along with the Hahne-Kedar Greaves. Loop around the back of the camp to the right side now. Enter the guard house in front of you to find the Armax Arsenal Shoulder Guard and the Pistol Piercing Mod 1. There is also a weapon bench here, but don’t activate it yet as you can collect even more upgrades here. Leave the guard house for now and keep running along the right-hand side. Avoid the General’s guard house with the three turians in it for now. Look outside of the house you just exited to find another datapad and the Pistol Magazine Upgrade 1. Check near the right-hand exit, by the tower barricade, to find the Assault Rifle Piercing Mod 1 and the M-27 Scimitar Shotgun. Head back to the weapon bench and upgrade all of your guns before proceeding back to the General’s guard house.

As you enter the guard house, a short cutscene will begin. The General will be in a meeting with some of his soldiers, and the outlook on both the moon and the planet itself are clearly grim. Interrupt his conversation to ask about Primarch Fedorian. Unfortunately, the General will inform you that Fedorian died not an hour ago. The rest of the General’s forces have been decimated, with casualties in the millions. Sympathizing will earn you some Paragon points, while cursing the Reapers will gain you Renegade points. At this point, the General will inform you that he has no idea who the next in line for succession to the position of Primarch is, although, as Liara will point out, the turians have a very clear system for determining succession. The chaos is just too much, and nobody knows which turian leaders are still living. You will have to head out to repair a damaged radio tower in order for the General to make contact with the turian politicians at Palaven Command. In another stroke of bad luck, General Corinthus will tell you that the radio tower has been damaged and must be repaired. Agree to fix it, and get ready for the upcoming battle.