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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 18: Irune: Book of Plenix, Ismar Frontier: Prototype Components & Kite’s Nest: Pillars of Strength

You will find a Volus in the Presidium Commons area asking a salarian about the Book of Plenix. In order to find it, you will have to travel to the Aethon Cluster and scan the planet Irune to pick up the book. Note that this Cluster may not be available to you right now. If not, simply progress the story and it will unlock eventually. Head back to the Presidium Commons area and return the book to the volus to obtain 15,000 credits.

Head back to the elevator and go to the Huerta Memorial Hospital floor. A salarian will be looking out of the window on the other side of the hall from Kaiden or Ashley’s room. Enter this room and listen in to his conversation to learn that he is searching for a prototype component that will help the salarians to better combat the Reapers. You will have to head to the Ismar Frontier, which again may not be open quite yet. Once you have access to the area, travel to the system and scan the planet Metaponto. Head back to the hospital and hand the components over to the salarian before you complete work on a cure for the genophage, as the salarian will be gone by then. While you are in the hospital, if you haven’t returned since your first visit, note that you can visit Thane in the lobby if he survived Mass Effect 2. It won’t affect the outcome of the game, but it’s a nice optional conversation.

From here, get into the elevator and go to the Docks: Holding Area level. Head into the batarian refugee camp located in a nook in the back wall. Listen to the batarian preacher as he gives a speech to his followers. He asks for the strength to help his race recover from the Reaper invasion. He will require the Pillars of Strength for this task. You can find these by going to the Harsa system, and from here the Kite’s Nest cluster. Scan the planet Khar’Shan to find the pillars and return them to the preacher for 15,000 credits.

You have now completed all of the side missions available to you at this time, so feel free to proceed with the story.