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SWTOR Walkthrough - Witness Protection - Ord Mantell

Talk to Milo Phipps in Ord Mantell to start this mission. This is a level 9 quest.

Milo Phipps: Let's keep this quick and quiet, shall we? I'm Milo Phipps, Strategic Information Service, former senator, one-time governor of Dantooine. You're a soldier, you must have heard about the separatsists' base up in the volcano. The Republic needs someone tough to do some work up there - paid work.

You can say:
Perhaps I could help
Payment isn't necessary
You're an idiot

Choose the first option.  Milo tells you that he represents the Republic here on Ord Mantell. An item has come up which you can help them with, but it will require you to break into the separatists' base and take out their toughest guards. Tell him you are not scared. He says that he wants to stress that this is a very sensitive matter. The Republic promised protection to a pirate a few months back - a pirate with whom we share common enemies. Recently, those enemies - the separatists - captured that pirate and are holding him at their base. The Republic needs someone to free him. Ask him why would the Republic want to free a pirate.  He tells you that this particular pirate knows enough to end this war - at least on Ord Mantell. This pirate approached the Republic with information on the Separatists and their operations in exchange for protection from the same. His relationship with the separatists went sour. But the Separatists got to him before the Republic did. The Republic promised protection, and Milo wants you to make sure the promise is kept, by breaking the pirate out. Tell him you will do it for the Republic.

Milo Phipps tells you to go speak to his man at the entrance to the fort - Lieutenant Bendick. He'll fill you in on the details.

Open your mission log:

Witness Protection
Milo Phipps, a retured Republic Senator in Fort Garnik, wants a pirate named Veem Set rescued from the separatists. Veem has information on the separatists that could be useful to the Republic, but he was captured and taken to the stronghold. Milo has referred you to Lietenant Bendick for more information on how to find and free Veem. Speak with Lieutenant Bendick in Fort Garnik for more information.

Your first task is to Speak to Lieutenant Bendick.

Find Bendick a bit north of the market. He refers to Milo as a "blasted bureaucrat" and to you as naive for wanting to free the pirate.  Tell him to fill you in,. Lieutenant Bendick tells you that Veem Set is a filth - bloodthirsty, ruthless filth. And he's a war criminal. His ships have been screwing up Republic supply routes for years - countless people have died because of him. He took out Bendick's brother's battle cruiser, killed thousands more. The Republic should be planting his head on a stake, not offering him protection.

If you ask Bendick what if Veem is useful - if he can help us crush the separatists, he's worth sparing - Bendick tells you that if you want to crush the separatists you shouldn't let no-count criminals get away with running guns for them and shooting down Republic ships. The Republic knows this is a difficult mission, they won't be surprised if there is a little slip, a little accident.  And since Lieutenant Bendick is in charge of payroll here, he can throw in a nice, healthy sum to sweeten the deal, if you "accidentally" kill this pirate.  He asks you if you are going to kill him or not. You can say:

I won't disobey orders
Absolutely not.

If you tell him you will do it, he tells you that he does not care how you do it, but just to make it seem like an accident. If you tell him you will not do it, he tells you to make your decision when you meet the pirate.

The pirate's being kept in a holding cell in the separatists' base. You'll have to figure out the rest.

Your mission log is updated:
"However, unlike Milo, Lieutenant Bendick wants Veem Set dead - Veem is a violent criminal and doesn't deserve to live, no matter what information he has. He has hos offered you a reward if Veem were to suffer an "accident" during the fight to free him. Locate Veem Set's holding cell in the separatists stronghold.

Your objective now is to find Veem Set. Go to the Separatists Stronghold. While doing this mission, you can also complete a bonus mission which unlocks as you kill separatists in the area:

Weaken the Stronghold
The separatists' strongest forces rally in the separatists stronghold. Thin out their ranks to permanently damage the separatist army.
Defeat the Separatist Forcers 0/50

This bonus mission requires you to kill a lot of Separatist units, but it is an optional mission, so do it only if you want some extra experience.

Veem set is being held on the second level of the Separatist Stronghold, in the southeast corner. Enter the story area, kill the guards that are guarding Veem, then find and open the holding cell to the east, by interacting with the access panel.  Speak to Veem

Veem: Well, it's about time! Do you have any idea how long I've been sitting in that cell, Republic dog? Now get me out of here.

You can tell him:
That's what I'm here for
You should be grateful
You're scum.

If you choose the third option, you tell him that you are beginning to think it might not be such a bad idea to kill him. Veem mocks you, calling this a lame attempt at a double cross. He makes it clear that you are here to free him. You do not think on your own. You do not act on your own. You do what he tells you, or the Republic will have your head. He asks if you still want to kill him. Tell Veem that he does not impress you. He is nothing but a pirate turned snitch. He is in way more trouble than you are. Veem calls you a "dog" again and says that if you kill him, the Republic will never forget it. He asks you again if you are going to kill him or not

SWTOR Witness Protections Veem Set

This is a Light/Dark conflict

you can say:
No, I was out of line (LIGHT)
Yes (DARK)

LIGHT: Sparing Veem
If you choose not to kill Veem, you tell him to get going. The Republic will see that he is kept safe. You gain 100 light points. He leaves, not before calling you a "nitwit".

Return to Milo Phipps in Fort Garnik.  He tells you that you are the hero of the day and that his agents picked Veem up outside the Separatists' base. Veem has already told the Republic enough to crush the life out of this rebellion once and for all.  He gives you the reward, which includes credits, experience, and a (green) armor.

DARK: Killing Veem
You execute Veem on the spot, and gain 100 dark points. Return to Lieutenant Bendick in Fort Garnik to tell him that Veem Set is dead.  Bendick tells you he heard that our pirate friend had a little accident trying to escape the separatists' base. Phipp's face turned purple when he heard the news.

Bendick gives you a reward, including experience points, credits and a (green) item.

This concludes the mission, Witness Protection.