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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 23: Free the Krogan Females Part 4

When you enter the next area, you will again be tasked with defending Mordin and the last female krogan while they sit in the elevator. The Cerberus soldiers will already be attacking the pod when you arrive, so you will have to hurry to distract them. This can also work to your advantage, though, as they will not notice you when you walk into the room. There are a number of ways to get the jump on them, and as usual, the best tactic depends on your chosen class.

By leading your squad down the outer hallway and equipping yourself with an Assault Rifle or Shotgun, you can rush the enemies and catch them by surprise for massive damage. The downside to this tactic is that there will not be a lot of cover immediately available here, so you will have to either take out a lot of the enemies in your initial assault or fall back to cover and take the rest out from there. To avoid taking the brunt of the fire that the Cerberus troops would lay on you, use Biotics such as Warp, Incinerate, Singularity, or Cryo Blast. These attacks will debilitate the enemies and/or leave them burning, casting their focus elsewhere while you attack or retreat to cover.

You can also attack from the hall to the inside of the area. Here, you will find more cover than at the outside edge of the level. You will be able to turtle up and take shots at the enemies firing upon Mordin’s elevator. As long as you can take their focus away from attacking the elevator, which you will still need to protect for a few more encounters, you should be okay.  Just take a measured approach when it comes to eliminating all of the enemies here. This is a better approach for classes that just don’t pack the offensive punch necessary to make a head-on assault work out.

After the enemies have been eliminated, search the lab to the side for the Pistol Scope I Mod, which will be sitting on a table. Examine the nearby computer to activate a Research Log, which will provide you with a bit of insight into the salarians’ research policies. Finally, head to the far side of the area and search the small room to find the Scorpion Pistol, a unique weapon which fires out little timed mines, along with a medical station. While you are here, examine the power terminal to reactivate the power for the area, allowing you to send the elevator up to the next floor. As you do this, more waves of Cerberus soldiers will of course come rushing out at you.

This encounter can provide you with a nice chance to test out the Scorpion, if you chose to equip it. The mines that this weapons fires will stick to whatever they hit, including enemies, making your target into a walking time bomb. The mines will detonate automatically a few seconds after they stick to their target. Try piling numerous mines on top of one enemy to make the ensuing explosion even bigger, possibly even big enough to kill or knock over the enemies next to him. Sticking the explosives on walls can be a good way to trick shielded enemies. You can even stick a mine to the shield itself and watch as the explosion knocks down the confused soldier. When doing this, you will have to be precise with the placement of the mine, as an explosion in front of the shield will not cause any damage. Aim for the sides of the shield or the environment around the soldier, or better yet, the slot in their shield.

If you didn’t equip the Scorpion, this battle becomes a little less playful. This encounter is business as usual. Find a good spot to dig in for the battle ahead. They will still be attempting to destroy the elevator and kill the last female, so intercept them in the middle of the area and use your favored combination of weaponry and Biotics to kill them.

After this battle, be sure to head to the bench along the wall by the elevator. You can pick up the M-13 Raptor Sniper Rifle here now, despite the fact that this gun was not here when you initially entered the area. Grab the rifle and proceed to the elevator controls. Send Mordin and the last female up to the next floor. Yet another band of soldiers will run out and attack you after you send your companions on their way. This is a smaller group than the last few, so take them out with an area of effect attack like Nova, Grenade, or a combination of Singularity and Warp. Otherwise, try playing around with the Scorpion some more. Attaching all of the mines in a clip to one enemy will turn him into a walking mass of explosive force.

Head upstairs at the elevator to finally reach the last checkpoint and the last battle.