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Silent Hill Downpour Walkthrough Part 8: JP Sater

Explore the area near where the elevator crash landed. Be ready to fight some more Screamers. Push the mining cart that's blocking your way. Walk past some circuit boxes. Grab the poster on the wall which will add a story in your journal about a train accident at Devil's Pit that caused the death of 8 children. You realize that the train operator responsible for the children's deaths was JP Sater, the guy you met outside, who apparently had operated the train while drunk.

Climb up the stairs and find yourself near the sign that says "Train Tour of the Mines". Go down the other way and open a door. There are what look like mannequins behind a gate. There is also a first aid kit in this room. Open another door and go through. A new type of monster jumps from the ceiling and attacks you. It will be attacking, then jumping up to the ceiling again. Make sure to hit it as soon as it lands on the ground and before it attacks you. This is a tough battle so have the first aid kits ready. You can check your health in the statistics menu. Don't try to run away as the monster will chase you.

After you defeat the monster, go down the ramp Break the wooden barrier that's blocking the way to the ladder. Climb up the ladder and find yourself outside again. Cross through a bridge and past the Devil's Falls sign. Enter the elevator and take it up. When you exit the elevator, you see JP Sater again. He is standing on the edge, contemplating suicide. You tell him it is a dangerous place to be sightseeing. He accuses the newspapers of telling lies. What happened was an accident. He insists he did not mean to hurt anybody or kill anybody, that he is not a murderer.

Jp Sater from Silent Hill Downpour

You tell him that the paper mentioned negligence. He cries that it was an accident. You accuse him that he was completely hammered, that there were witnesses. He asks you if someone knows all your dirty little secrets. You tell him that you never hurt anybody that didn't deserve it, and that you sure as hell never hurt any kids. But he tells you that noone out there gives a damn about this matter and that we are the ones who decide if we can live with what we've done.

At this point, you get two choices:

Console Him
Taunt Him

Console Sater
If you console JP Sater, you call out to him, you ask him what he means, and tell him to wait a second. He tells you he will be seeing you around and jumps anyway.

Taunt Sater
If you decide to be evil and taunt JP Sater, you just increase his feeling of guilt. He jumps into the gorge.

No matter which dialog option you choose, there is no way that you can save Sater or prevent him from jumping.