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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Walkthrough Part 3: Classes Overview and Ideal Loadouts

Just like in the single player campaign, there are six classes in Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer mode. Only certain races can play as certain classes. To find out the specializations of each race, check out the last two guides, which cover that subject in detail. This guide will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of each of the six classes, and will explain which playstyles will flourish most with which classes. The first class is…


The Soldier class is for those who love the purity of gunplay. Sure, they have various Biotics and Tech-based powers that can prove invaluable in certain situations. The Frag Grenade and Proximity Mine powers, for example, will allow the Soldier to destroy enemies who are bunched up together and set explosive traps for their enemies, respectively. But by and large, the Soldier class is all about shooting. They can hold the most weapons while losing the least amount of power recharge time. For these reasons, this class is best suited to players who want to charge directly into battle with the enemies. No frills, no complications, just you and your gun.


The Adept is, in many ways, the opposite of the Soldier. This Biotics-heavy class should carry only two weapons into the battlefield at any given time for the sake of maintaining a high power recharge rate. A heavy Pistol can be great for dealing big chunks of damage when enemies get close, while a scoped SMG can work wonders for covering your teammates from a distance. The real draw of the Adept, though, is its Biotics, and whether it’s the deadly Singularity/Warp combination only available to the Humans in multiplayer, or the surprisingly strong Reave move available to the Drell, Adepts all have moves capable of turning the tide in battle. You will need to stay light on your feet when your powers are recharging, though, and the lack of any heavy weaponry will mean that a highly tactical approach is necessary for victory. Adepts are recommended for players who like to think while they play. Cover, constant movement, and intelligent usage of powers are all necessary when playing as this class.


Like the Adept, the Engineer is physically weaker than many other classes and relies mostly on Tech powers rather than heavy weaponry. A similarly light loadout is recommended for those who play as this class. Unlike the Adepts, however, the Engineers play more of a support role during combat than a combat role. By summoning Turrets or Decoys, proficient Engineers can distract enemies when their team needs it the most. Having a Rocket Turret set up on the final wave can often mean the difference between victory and defeat. This class is also highly skilled when it comes to disabling synthetic enemies, a trait that will come in handy when facing the Geth.


The Infiltrator is one of the most interesting classes in the game, particularly in multiplayer. While their powers-heavy playstyle suggests similarities to the Adept and Engineer, Infiltrator players should actually be quite active in combat. Every Infiltrator in the multiplayer has the Tactical Cloak ability regardless of race. This power is absolutely invaluable to the Infiltrator, as it turns you invisible to enemies. Using it at just the right time can get you out of a sticky combat situation and away to cover, where you can leave your cloak and heal. Alternately, you can use the cloak to get in close to enemies, before using the damage bonus that you will receive while attacking from the cloak to deal a crippling blow to even the toughest enemies. Another strategy using the cloak is to cloak yourself while sniping. This can be extremely deadly, as the enemies will have no idea where you are and you will be able to deal tons of damage thanks to the damage bonus. The Tactical Cloak alone makes the Infiltrator the most versatile class in the multiplayer. But it doesn’t stop there. Each race is well-suited to a certain playstyle using the Infiltrator. Quarians can trick enemies with a combination of Sabotage and Tactical Cloak, then escape to let the enemies fight amonst themselves. Salarian Infiltrators have the Proximity Mine ability, which they can set in a doorway to cover them as they snipe. Finally, Human Infiltrators have the Cryo Blast ability, which is great for freezing a group of enemies before cloaking and rushing in with a Shotgun. If you like to combine Biotics and gunplay in clever ways, you’ll love the Infiltrator. Simply try to decide how you wish to use this class before entering combat, and bring only those weapons, as you will want to have a high rate of power recharge.


The Sentinel is another unique class, although perhaps not as versatile as the Infiltrator. By using a combination of Tech and Biotics, the Sentinel carves out a unique spot in the multiplayer landscape. As with other classes that focus mostly on powers, you will want to cut down on the weapons that you bring with you. But this class is not the physical weakling that its reliance on powers may suggest. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Every race has the Tech Armor ability in multiplayer, and this allows the Sentinel to absorb tons of damage without dying. When an upgraded armor is weakened, it can even be detonated to kill nearby enemies. Like the Adept, the Sentinel is recommended for those who like to think while they shoot.


The final class is the Vanguard. While the previous classes were pretty open to player interpretation, the Vanguard has one purpose and one purpose alone: To get in close with enemies and destroy them before they can blink. Pack a powerful Shotgun, and a Pistol, SMG, or Assault Rifle for when you need to engage at range. Using the Biotic Charge ability, which is shared by every race in the multiplayer, Vanguards can zoom across the entire battlefield and stagger an opponent. Players can spec Biotic Charge so that it is immediately available for use after you pull off your first successful charge, meaning that Vanguards can essentially zip from foe to foe killing or staggering them. You can also spec your character so that melee damage or shields heavily increase after performing a Biotic Charge. Make no mistake, this move is essential for the Vanguard’s survival. This class is for the most aggressive of players, as the high risk/high reward playstyle demanded by the Vanguard’s powers only functions when players are at their most daring.

Ideal Loadout

Now that you know the various classes and how they fit together as a team, it’s time to decide on the ideal arrangement of classes for you and your team. If you are trying to get through the last wave on every level, you will need a relatively balanced team to ensure that you can adapt to any situation. For this reason, the recommended team loadout is as follows:

·         Krogan Soldier

·         Human Vanguard OR Turian Sentinel

·         Adept of any race OR Infiltrator of any race

·         Quarian Engineer

This loadout has proven to be incredibly potent on all of the maps through repeated trials. The Krogan Soldier is a necessity, as the Soldier will be playing the role of the tank, collecting aggro to spare the rest of your team. Because the Soldier will be taking the most hits, it will need to be a Krogan, since the Krogan have the highest defense. The Soldier should play a number of roles as needed for attracting aggro. Sniping can sometimes be the best approach, while rushing in with a Shotgun will sometimes be necessary. Because of this flexibility, you simply need to have a soldier, and the Krogan is the best choice of race here.

The Quarian Engineer is similarly necessary, especially during the later waves. The Quarians are the only race that can plant Sentry Turrets, making them invaluable for distracting the enemies. The Engineer should huddle up somewhere safe, behind the defensive wall formed by the Soldier and the Vanguard/Sentinel. These two roles are relatively interchangeable, but you will definitely want to have a class that can take enemies down at close range and absorb a ton of damage, especially when facing the Reapers and their Husks. The Human is the best Vanguard for the job because they have Shockwave and Nova in addition to Biotic Charge, meaning that they can wipe out an entire wave in a matter of seconds and secure the weaker classes. The Turian is the best Sentinel for the job because their Biotics make them quite flexible. Finally, you will want either an Adept or an Infiltrator to keep the enemies guessing. These classes can really throw a Biotics-fueled wrench into the enemy’s plans, so keep them safe behind the wall formed by the Soldier and the Vanguard.