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Silent Hill Downpour Walkthrough Part 20: Logan's Park

Head to Logan's Park, which is NW of the Pearl Creek underground entrance. Go through the gate. If the gate is locked, you might not have done enough of the main story yet. Make sure you have completed all steps in previous chapters of our walkthrough.

Enter Logan's Park. Explore the area near the fountain. On a bench, you will find a child's kite. You have found a Silent Hill Artifact. You can view these artifacts in the Extras menu. The child's kite looks like the one you built with Charlie, but you wonder how it got here.

Silent Hill: Downpour Logan's Park

Follow the trail around the fountain, and to the west. Find the stairs leading down to an open gate, then exit the park. As you exit, there will be a chasm to your right, and a blue door immediately to your left. The door is the garage entrance to the Centennial building. Open it and go in.

Go through a small corridor and another door. You spot your Parole papers hanging on the door:

Ryall State Prison
From: Parole Committee
To: Glen Milton
Subject: Prisoner Pendleton, Murphy (273A)
Parole Status
This letter is to inform you that parole has been approved for Prisoner Murphy Pendleton (273A), effective June 26. Mr. Pendleton has met all qualifications for early release and by all accounts is a model prisoner. We feel he is prepared to make the successful transition from prisoner to citizen. Further, due to the non-violent nature of his conviction, it is our opinion he poses no threat/danger to the general public. Please feel free to contact our office should you have any questions and/or concerns
Judith Zaragoza
Parole Committee Chairperson

Reading this parole letter triggers a flashback cutscene, revealing more of the game's plot. Murphy is in the Ryall state jail, speaking with George Sewell. Officer Frank Coleridge comes in and tells you that he has your paperwork. Officer Sewell tells you that what he talked to you about is a limited time offer. When you talk to Coleridge, he warns you that Sewell is bad news who doesn't do anyone favors. He tells you that the parole chances are looking good, and not to screw this up, not after all he had done to get you out of there. You tell him you have it all under control, but just have some unfinished business you need to take care of. Officer F. Coleridge asks you what you are doing in this jail anyway, you are not like the other inmates. You tell him you are in for car theft, resisting, and evading. He finds it amusing that you stole a police cruiser and led them on a ten hour chase down the eastern seaboard.  He is not sure what makes a guy with no priors and a clean psych do something that stupid. He wants to know the truth. You tell him that maybe you just needed to escape from the world for a while. He tells you to stay clear of Sewell and do your homework.

The parole memorandum is now added to your journal, under mysteries. You can't help to feel that it is related to a news article you found earlier:

Breaking News
Today in the news
Riot in Ryall State Prison results in four fatalities
A full-scale riot at Ryall State Prison was finally brought under control late last night after prison guards stormed the facility utilizing large quantities of tear gas, riot batons, and shotguns. As of this writing, four fatalities have been reported, all prisoners, whose names are being withheld.
"After a tense stand-off and a rather brutal physical confrontation, we were able to reestablish full control of the prison" said Warden Glen Milton. "Rest assured, we will get to the bottom of this and find out just what, and most importantly, who was the cause of this unfortunate disruption to normal prison operations."
A number of guards were reported injured in the incident as well, one seriously. Their names are also being withheld pending the investigation.

You now enter the garage. pick up the Centennial Building maps from near the door. Then continue into the garage. One of the first rooms you find is the security office. But it is locked. There is a panel there, that says "Sector A-32" but it requires some sort of ID card to enter. So keep exploring the rest of the garage for now.