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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 35 – Taking Vengeance

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 35 – Taking Vengeance

Once you emerge from the House of Pride, head down the hill to the west and talk with your allies. Alyn Shir will bring you up to speed on the basics of the plan. It is time to start making a move directly on the House of Vengeance. Head through Camp Moondown, going West and follow it as it turns South, leading into Shadow Pass. Inside Shadow Pass, as you round the first bend, you will encounter some Sprites. Not too far beyond that you will find Ventrinio, who has a revelation about your death and an apparent tie to Tirnoch, Gadflow's God. Now just continue along the path. You will pass through Ariad Camp and meet Trav. You can accept his quest and complete it along the way.

Once you enter into the pass itself, take the first Eastern turn to find Agarth there waiting for you. Continue on through the pass until it broadens. As you reach the cliff overlooking the Tuatha Encampment, you will find Cydan waiting for you there. After that, punch through the camp and continue South and East to reach into Twilight Pass. In the Twilight Pass you will meet Aluck, who also offers a quest that will see you through the area.

Once you make it through the ruins of Eventide then you are nearly through to your destination. As you descend down the hill from Eventide, entering into Amaura, you will encounter a Prismere Troll, 3 Zealots and 2 Overlords. After them it is clear sailing your the meet point. There you will find 2 Faer Gorta attacking your people with 2 Zealots at least. Defeat them and then Cydan will talk with you. He tells you two things: Alyn and Ventrinio have not been seen and the Tuatha are mounting a Counter attack. You can either talk with Agarth and set things into motion or you can talk with the Scout up on the ridge who can inform you on more of what is to come. Agarth explains that you will need to punch into the House of Vengeance and from there, defeat the Cur within.

*If you head up the slope to the East of Cydan, you will encounter a pair Prismere Trolls with Tuatha Aid. Deal with the Tuatha and, if you can, enter Reckoning Mode to just wipe out the Trolls quickly.

Head North after speaking with him. Your group will attacked by 4 Faer Gorta and a Prismere Troll. Defeat them and keep going North. Keep on the bigger path, going West, when you reach the break in it. When you reach the door to the House of Vengeance, then there are 4 Soldiers to kill.

House of Vengeance
Once inside the House itself then start to the West. Head through the first chamber to the second. It is in there you will encounter 8 Tuatha Soldiers. Kill them all and keep the rush going in the same direction. Next is a group of 3 Zealots and an Overlord. Defeat them then follow the group into the next area. In this chamber, at the far end, you will encounter 2 Overlords and 4 Zealots. Past them is a corridor going to the Southwest. There you will encounter 6 more Soldiers.

Keep following the path  and its Western direction. The next chamber in that direction has 2 Overlords and 6 Zealots. As that battle is winding down, be ready as a Prismere Troll will be fashionably late to the brawl. Kill all of them then follow the corridor to the next bridge you need to cross. Of course it is guarded by 3 Soldiers. Head through this corrdior and you will find the Cur of Vengeance waiting for you on the far side.

Cur Of Vengeance
This fellow hits HARD! He has a long sword, uses it charge attacks and has some backup in the form of 3 Zealots. If you can Fateshift him, do it. It will speed up the battle immensely. Other wise, watch your health and keep the pressure on him. Parry whenever you can to create a solid opening to inflict a lot of damage fast.

After all of that, head down one more corridor to find the next chamber. Head to the door and go on through to Bhaile.

Once outside the fortress, keep going to the West down the stairs. AT the first Landing you will find Alyn who has apparently killed Ventrinio. You can finally learn that Alyn and you were sent on a different mission from before your death. As you move forward through the area, she explains just what that mission was.

Continue down the stairs to the Southwest. There is a pair of Zealots just ahead. Just past them is another group, but this one has 2 Niskaru Blood Hunters and a Tuatha Priest in it. Kill them and keep on the path. As it bends to the North you will be attacked by 5 Zealots. After you cross the bridge, another 5 Zealots will be coming at you. Cross the next bridge and turn to the North and you have a squad of Tuatha coming at you. When you cross the next bridge, you will find another group waiting for you of 4 Tuatha Zealots and a Prismere Troll.

Just keep going to the West. As the path turns South and you near your destination, one more squad stands in your way. 8 - 10 Zealots are ready and waiting for you and Alyn. As it bends to the East, another, smaller, squad will attack you. This one is just 4 Zealots and an Overlord. It will wind to the West and bring you right to the Doorstep of the Court of Winter. Alyn finally opens up and explains everything about Tirnoch who was imprisoned in Amethyn. You can attempt to Persuade her to simply let things be, but it a very hard sale. After that, it is time to enter the Winter Court and Defeat Gadflow.

Just inside the entrance you will find the Usurper King of the Winter Court, the King of the Tuatha, Gadflow. He will call to Tirnoch and create 2 duplicates of himself. They all draw from the same Health which is good. Once it gets below the first quarter, one of the clones will fall down dead. Defeat the other and Gadflow will hover above your arena, lay down numerous exploding gylphs and launch an intense fire attack at you. After 5 bursts of fire, he will come down to the ground and create two more duplicates. These duplicates only last few a few hits. Once you get Galdflow below half health, he seems to banish them and then just focus on blasting you with spells. He is very likely to summon another round of exploding glyphs, teleport to the far side and launch more fire bursts at you. Defeat Gadflow and he will simply, fall and shatter, an Illusion.

Talk with Alyn to complete this quest.