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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 36 – Shadow Pass Sidequests

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 36 – Shadow Pass Sidequests

Shadow Pass
As you enter into Shadow Pass you will find Ariad Camp. There, talk with Desiderus Trav to get the quest, “The Killing Ground”.

If you have Detect Hidden +5 you can find the Glowlode Mine not too far from the former Tuatha Camp. Make your way East, dealing with a Banshen in the first chamber, 3 Murghan in the second and 3 more Murghan in the third. Head to the far East and you will find  Esha who offers the quest, “Esha”

The Killing Ground
Trav asks you to climb up into the hills and take out the Tuatha's Magical Sentries. Head South of the Camp with him. If you go along the ground below, you will be attacked by 3 Soldiers. Still, you want to take the first Western turn off the main path. Climb the hill to the cliff, but be wary of the traps that line the center of the path. You are best off keeping to either side. On the cliff you will face 3 Soldiers and a Priest. Now head to the Jump Point nearby and hop down to return to Trav.

Now continue to the first Eastern cliff path. Follow it up to encounter 3 Soldiers and a Priest. Defeat them and continue to the south. You will find the second group of sentries which is the same as the one you just encounter, 3 Soldiers and a Priest. Drop down after you slaughter that group to encounter a squad of 6-8 Soldiers. Defeat them and head past the wall. There you will find another group of Tuatha Forces there, a small number of Soldiers, a Zealot and 2 Arcane Barghests. Defeat all of them then talk with Trav. At this point, you are planning the final assault on them. Use the pause to clear inventory and repair your gear. Advance to Trav's position and get ready.

As you approach Trav, you are attacked by 4 Soldiers. He explains that ahead, in the camp, Is the Witch Knight Dessidyn. He also tells you that this is a suicide mission, so he does not expect to live. Now, follow Trav as he charges to the South in Shadow Pass. As you pass through the Bone Archway, you will encounter a Prismere Troll with 3 Zealots backing it up. When you get to the beginning of the camp, you will face an Arcane Barghest. Head down the slope. There you will encounter 5 Tuatha and 2 Arcane Barghests. Now just head straight along the path to move toward the Commander. As you approach the Witch Knight, you will face down another Squad of Tuatha with the Witch Knight. That squad has 2 Priest and 4 Zealots. Defeat them all and you will complete the quest.

This is a massive Escort mission. You want to get ahead so you can wipe out the Murghan quickly so they do not kill many to any survivors. Head North and West to reach the first small chamber where you will encounter 3 Cave Murghan. Head into the next chamber to the West and you have 4 Murghan waiting for you. Now head North and West to reach the third and final chamber. A Banshen will appear, sleeping, in this chamber. Kill it then head for the exit and return to Shadow Pass. Talk with Esha outside in Shadow Pass to complete the quest.