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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Walkthrough Part 5: Enemies: Geth

The average Geth footsoldier is functionally somewhat similar to the Cerberus Assault Trooper. They wield Pulse Rifles and will seek cover to stay protected, an especially necessary precaution because of their massive heads. Other Geth enemies, however, are not so vulnerable, and will often forsake cover entirely. Take, for example, the Geth Rocket Trooper. These enemies don’t need to cower behind cover because of the massive ordinance that they bring into battle. Especially when mixed in with a wave of various other types of Geth, the Rocket Troopers can be extremely deadly and should be targeted immediately by the snipers on your team. If a rocket hits home, it’ll do heavy damage.

The Geth Pyro is a similarly dangerous unit. This Geth is also pretty heavily armored, and sports a shield to boot. Its main strategy is to advance as close to the player as possible before enveloping them in a stream of scalding flame. Vanguards are weakest against this enemy, as getting in close only means suffering more damage. Instead of a head-on attack, try to flank around the enemy. Perhaps one of your teammates can distract the Pyro while the others loop around back to shoot the fuel tank on the Pyro’s back. The Pyro will often be accompanied by another close range unit, the Hunter. These enemies posses advanced cloaking technology that will render them all but invisible to the naked eye. You will have to be careful when searching for one of these foes, as the only tell of their presence is a slight shimmering in the air. When you see this, blast the Hunter to reveal its presence temporarily to the rest of your team. Have your team gang up on the Hunter to bring it down before it can cloak again, or bring it down at point blank with a Shotgun yourself.

The final, and most difficult, of the Geth is the Geth Prime. This massive unit is capable of spawning Drones from its body. Shoot them down, but focus mainly on the Prime itself. You will probably need more than one teammate to take this unit down, as it is heavily shielded and has a ton of health. Stronger players, like Soldiers or Sentinels, should get in front of the weaker players, such as the Adepts, and Engineers, to shield them from the Prime’s heavy cannon blasts if necessary.

All Geth are vulnerable to Tech attacks such as Overload and Sabotage, so try to keep an Engineer in your party at all times when fighting this enemy.